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Hospitals for Sale in Greater Noida

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Hospitals for Sale in Greater Noida. Buy a Hospital.

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Hospital for Sale in Greater Noida, India

For sale: Greater Noida-based hospital with fully equipped lab, IPD, OT, and diagnostics.
Established reputation: the hospital has been in operation for 17 years, boasting a reputable name within the Greater Noida community. - Patient volume: with a monthly influx of over 500 patients, the hospital has a steady and consistent flow of clientele. - Comprehensive facilities: the hospital features a 15-bed ward, six general rooms, an in-house pharmacy, and fully equipped diagnostic and treatment facilities, including an operation theatre. - Prime location: situated in Greater Noida, the hospital benefits from a strategic location within a growing and populous area, presenting opportunities for continued growth and expansion. - Growth potential: with its well-established presence and solid customer base, there is potential for the hospital to further expand its service offerings and increase its market share within the region. - Due to the promoter's poor health and consequent inability to oversee hospital operations, sales have declined this year. - Owner expertise: the hospital is owned by a radiologist, indicating a strong foundation of medical expertise and insight into the management of the facility. - The hospital has an air and water pollution license, a Fire NOC, and a biomedical waste license.
For sale: Greater Noida-based hospital with fully equipped lab, IPD, OT, and diagnostics.
7   Greater Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.8 Mn
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Newly Established Hospital for Sale in Greater Noida, India

Approved new hospital building on 1,200 sq mt land near Pari Chowk for sale.
Newly approved hospital building near Pari Chowk. - There are 4 floors and the first 2 floors are already rented out. - The building is fully constructed with operational lifts and has ample parking space. - This sale only includes the property (land and building).
6.8   Greater Noida
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 1.55 Mn
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Hospital for Sale in North-West Uttar Pradesh, India

Pioneer and leading multi-specialty hospital in a major city of Delhi NCR for full Acquisition.
The Hospital is a pioneer, leading, highly recognized top quality brand name with tremendous goodwill since 1979. It has been the best equipped hospital in western UP providing most modern medical treatment and diagnostic facilities. The Hospital currently operates with 75+ beds and pioneered by continuously introducing new modern medical equipments and technologies and has many “First” its credits in the entire region of Western UP. - 75+ beds, 8-Beds ICU, Fully Equipped 2 Major OT with C-Arm and 2 minor OT, Dialysis units. -Fully Equipped Radiology and Imaging department with Siemens Whole body CT Scanner, Philips Color Doppler, GE Ultrasound, Siemens Digital 500mA X-Ray, Cardiac Diagnostics, PFT. - Fully-equipped modern Path-Lab with latest computerized analyzers (advanced tests like ABG, Hormones etc) highly reputed in the region for its best reports. - Well Equipped Physiotherapy Department. - In House Pharmacy having good Turnover. - Ambulance and OTIS Lift: Full Bed capacity. - In house Kitchen and Catering. - It has been regularly attracting large number of patients from far flung areas and surrounding states due to its high quality and prompt treatment by highly qualified specialists and super specialists along with qualified, efficient para medical staff, fully equipped to provide all facilities under one roof 24x7. - The Hospital has been a pioneer in starting most modern and latest medical facilities and procedures as "First" to its credit in this whole region. - Hospital is empanelled with almost all govt. and other institutions, attracting large number of patients for cashless services, also due to its most prime commercial location in the heart of the town. - Meerut is a Medical Hub, where the patients from all surrounding areas comprising 2-3 Cr population (with high paying capacity) choose Meerut for treatment as their first priority destination even before going to Delhi. - Meerut has very good and fast developing infrastructure. An Express Highway is coming up expeditiously between Meerut and Delhi which will reduce its travel time within 60 minutes. Metro and Rapid Train transportation between Meerut and Delhi is also work in progress. - Accredited by Quality Council of India, QCI. - All Govt. Regulations and Certifications are in place. - Hospital is Registered under GST. - Zero Debt Company for last many Years. - The Company has Surplus Cash Assets invested in form FDR and Liquid Funds. - The Company has Current Cash Assets of more than 4 cr which is fully secured against medical bills towards Ministry of Defence, Health Ministry, Govt. of India, New Delhi. - The Companies financial management is highly professional and disciplined. The Current Financial Assets are much more than the Financial Liabilities. - Stable and consistent growth pattern YOY. - The Acquirer will step into the shoes of the promoters / owners acquiring company with 100% equity available for Merger / Acquisition. As the hospital is in full fledged perfectly smooth running operations, the acquirer will be making profits from Day-One, with zero gestation period. - The Managing Director with almost 40 years of deep insight and hands-on experiences in Healthcare may consider to remain engaged for a definite period as an Adviser, post acquisition. - All existing staff along with all key / senior personnel from current executive / operations and technical core team which is highly trained, committed and experienced for last 5 to 30 years, can be retained to ensure perfectly smooth working post acquisition. - The Hospital has a long history and extensive client base n Western U. P. and Uttarakhand, a cluster that provides a robust base for rapid expansion and future growth in this whole region.  Excellent network in medical fraternity ensuring access to a vast pool of talent.  Strategic location attractiveness allows to attract patients from the surrounding huge demographic areas and hence serves a high-density population catchment with a high paying capacity income.  Provides strategic advantage of business volume and revenues to buyer from day one due to its consistent business growth since its inception.  Absence of any large National / International hospital brand paves way for a significant potentials of rapid growth in Healthcare Sector in this region. Potential buyers can tap the huge catchment of existing and potential patient network of Western U. P. and Uttarakhand, a region that serves to be a key medical hub and also plays a pivotal role in the major referral base of patients to tertiary hospitals in Delhi.
7.7   Uttar Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.3 million
32 %
Business for Sale
USD 6.3 Mn
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Hospital for Sale in North-West Uttar Pradesh, India

Pioneer and leading multi-specialty hospital in a major city of Delhi NCR for full Acquisition.
The Hospital is a pioneer, leading, highly recognized top quality brand name with tremendous goodwill since 1979. It has been the best equipped hospital in western UP providing most modern medical treatment and diagnostic facilities. The Hospital currently operates with 75+ beds and pioneered by continuously introducing new modern medical equipments and technologies and has many “First” its credits in the entire region of Western UP. - 75+ beds, 8-Beds ICU, Fully Equipped 2 Major OT with C-Arm and 2 minor OT, Dialysis units. -Fully Equipped Radiology and Imaging department with Siemens Whole body CT Scanner, Philips Color Doppler, GE Ultrasound, Siemens Digital 500mA X-Ray, Cardiac Diagnostics, PFT. - Fully-equipped modern Path-Lab with latest computerized analyzers (advanced tests like ABG, Hormones etc) highly reputed in the region for its best reports. - Well Equipped Physiotherapy Department. - In House Pharmacy having good Turnover. - Ambulance and OTIS Lift: Full Bed capacity. - In house Kitchen and Catering. - It has been regularly attracting large number of patients from far flung areas and surrounding states due to its high quality and prompt treatment by highly qualified specialists and super specialists along with qualified, efficient para medical staff, fully equipped to provide all facilities under one roof 24x7. - The Hospital has been a pioneer in starting most modern and latest medical facilities and procedures as "First" to its credit in this whole region. - Hospital is empanelled with almost all govt. and other institutions, attracting large number of patients for cashless services, also due to its most prime commercial location in the heart of the town. - Meerut is a Medical Hub, where the patients from all surrounding areas comprising 2-3 Cr population (with high paying capacity) choose Meerut for treatment as their first priority destination even before going to Delhi. - Meerut has very good and fast developing infrastructure. An Express Highway is coming up expeditiously between Meerut and Delhi which will reduce its travel time within 60 minutes. Metro and Rapid Train transportation between Meerut and Delhi is also work in progress. - Accredited by Quality Council of India, QCI. - All Govt. Regulations and Certifications are in place. - Hospital is Registered under GST. - Zero Debt Company for last many Years. - The Company has Surplus Cash Assets invested in form FDR and Liquid Funds. - The Company has Current Cash Assets of more than 4 cr which is fully secured against medical bills towards Ministry of Defence, Health Ministry, Govt. of India, New Delhi. - The Companies financial management is highly professional and disciplined. The Current Financial Assets are much more than the Financial Liabilities. - Stable and consistent growth pattern YOY. - The Acquirer will step into the shoes of the promoters / owners acquiring company with 100% equity available for Merger / Acquisition. As the hospital is in full fledged perfectly smooth running operations, the acquirer will be making profits from Day-One, with zero gestation period. - The Managing Director with almost 40 years of deep insight and hands-on experiences in Healthcare may consider to remain engaged for a definite period as an Adviser, post acquisition. - All existing staff along with all key / senior personnel from current executive / operations and technical core team which is highly trained, committed and experienced for last 5 to 30 years, can be retained to ensure perfectly smooth working post acquisition. - The Hospital has a long history and extensive client base n Western U. P. and Uttarakhand, a cluster that provides a robust base for rapid expansion and future growth in this whole region.  Excellent network in medical fraternity ensuring access to a vast pool of talent.  Strategic location attractiveness allows to attract patients from the surrounding huge demographic areas and hence serves a high-density population catchment with a high paying capacity income.  Provides strategic advantage of business volume and revenues to buyer from day one due to its consistent business growth since its inception.  Absence of any large National / International hospital brand paves way for a significant potentials of rapid growth in Healthcare Sector in this region. Potential buyers can tap the huge catchment of existing and potential patient network of Western U. P. and Uttarakhand, a region that serves to be a key medical hub and also plays a pivotal role in the major referral base of patients to tertiary hospitals in Delhi.
7.7   Uttar Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.3 million
32 %
Business for Sale
USD 6.3 Mn
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  • How many hospitals for sale in Greater Noida are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified hospitals for sale in Greater Noida listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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