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Lighting Fixtures Businesses for Sale

Showing 1 - 14 of 19 Lighting Fixtures Businesses for Sale. Buy a Lighting Fixture or a Lighting Equipment Business.

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Profitable Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Patna, India

Premier provider of high-quality lightboards, renowned across India for excellence in studio setup lecture recording.
Specializes in the manufacture and supply of lightboards. - Serves a diverse clientele throughout India, with a concentration in Bengaluru and Hyderabad. - Capable of producing 2-3 lightboards daily. - Operates fully with outsourced labour. - Has established a strong customer base with over 250 clients. - Temporarily not accepting orders due to personal health concerns. - Possesses a valid Corporate Identification Number (CIN). - Located in Patna, ensuring easy access for local customers and distribution.
7.2   Patna
Run Rate Sales
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 36 K
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Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Bhubaneswar, India

LED lights manufacturer in Bhubaneswar with a production capacity of 10,000 units per day.
The company is a registered brand in the LED lights manufacturing industry, operating in Bhubaneswar. - Offers LED lights for both B2B and B2C markets. - Also acts as a third-party manufacturer for established and emerging brands, in addition to producing its own brand of LED lights. - With over 20 active clients, the company has a strong and diverse customer base. - Caters to government clients, expanding its market reach. - The manufacturing facility has a production capacity of approximately 10,000 units per day, indicating a high level of operational output. Contract workers are also hired on demand. - Our company also receives a significant number of queries through platforms such as Indiamart, highlighting a strong market demand for our products. - The business is ISO 9001:2015 certified, showcasing its commitment to quality and adherence to international standards.
6.8   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 28.6 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 120 K
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Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Mumbai, India

Full sale: Business exclusively wholesales architectural and LED lighting products, serving southern and western India.
The business exclusively wholesales architectural and LED lighting products, with its entire inventory sourced from China, the majority of which are final products. Additionally, some products are assembled in-house by the business. - Clients include distributors, dealers, architects, interior designers, and developers primarily located in the southern and western parts of India. - The business operates with a lean team structure, employing only two permanent staff members, while additional laborers are hired temporarily as needed. - The logistics of product transportation are managed through engagement with local logistic companies, utilizing their services based on client preferences and delivery requirements. - Key locations served include Raipur, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Hubli, Belgaum, Gulbarga, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ernakulam, and various cities across Maharashtra. - We boast a 100% customer retention rate, with all 50 of our clients returning regularly. Each customer typically contributes between INR 3-5 lakh to our annual sales. - Currently, the business operates without the need for any licenses.
6.6   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 215 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 240 K
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Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Mumbai, India

Full sale: Business exclusively wholesales architectural and LED lighting products, serving southern and western India.
The business exclusively wholesales architectural and LED lighting products, with its entire inventory sourced from China, the majority of which are final products. Additionally, some products are assembled in-house by the business. - Clients include distributors, dealers, architects, interior designers, and developers primarily located in the southern and western parts of India. - The business operates with a lean team structure, employing only two permanent staff members, while additional laborers are hired temporarily as needed. - The logistics of product transportation are managed through engagement with local logistic companies, utilizing their services based on client preferences and delivery requirements. - Key locations served include Raipur, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Hubli, Belgaum, Gulbarga, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ernakulam, and various cities across Maharashtra. - We boast a 100% customer retention rate, with all 50 of our clients returning regularly. Each customer typically contributes between INR 3-5 lakh to our annual sales. - Currently, the business operates without the need for any licenses.
6.6   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 215 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 240 K
Contact Business

Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Jaipur, India

Non-operational online trader of lamps that also manufactures a few products for sale.
We sell lamps through Amazon, Flipkart, and B2B models. - We also manufacture some of the products that we sell but it is very less. - The business is currently not generating revenue due to financial issues. - When the business was operational we received 100+ orders daily. - The products are sourced from 5-7 local vendors. - Business is trademarked. - The business has all the required licenses and registrations.
5.3   Jaipur
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 30 K
Contact Business

Profitable Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Belagavi, India

Manufacturer of architectural lighting and home automation products with a database of 180 channel partners.
Manufacturer of unique architectural lighting and home automation products based in Belagavi. - Offering a wide range of products such as COB spotlights, curve & straight profile lights, triangle hexagon & round downlights, timers, and lighting automation products. - Supplying products to local lighting stores all across India. - The manufacturing process is unknown to many industry players, creating a high growth potential. - Customizable products are available on an order basis, with orders from architects and end users. - Currently with 40-50 suppliers and 7-8 channel partners across India, with a database of 180 channel partners in Tier 2 states. - We have ongoing marketing efforts in place to increase channel partners.
Manufacturer of architectural lighting and home automation products with a database of 180 channel partners.
7.6   Belagavi
Run Rate Sales
USD 32 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 42 K
Contact Business

Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Åros, Norway

For Sale: Shopify-powered online store with a reliable 3PL partner and high revenue per employee.
Online store that retails sensor lights. - We have had steady revenue growth from the start. - Exclusive rights to sell the products in Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland). - All the goods are sold through our Shopify-powered website. - Over 5,000+ customers. - Upward trending organic searches and traffic.
7.7   Åros
Run Rate Sales
USD 530 thousand
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 277 K
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Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Chihuahua, Mexico

32-year old leading and profitable lighting company with huge clients and low operating costs.
Chihuahua, Mexico based company that has been operational for over 3 decades. - This is a profitable business and offers an opportunity to fully enter the State of Chihuahua through investment. - Company has a huge client portfolio. Clients are houses, offices, constructors, architects, factories, government entities, and businesses. - Business has low operating costs and no labor liability. - On average, we work on 15 projects per year. - Business has one director and no liability.
32-year old leading and profitable lighting company with huge clients and low operating costs.
7.4   Chihuahua
Run Rate Sales
USD 330 thousand
17 %
Business for Sale
USD 200 K
Contact Business

Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Korolyov, Russia

For Sale: Working plant for the production of lamps for domestic, commercial, and industrial purposes.
Company specializing in the manufacturing of different types of lamps for diverse purposes. - We produce lamps and chandeliers for domestic purposes, for technical, office, and industrial premises, street & landscape gardening lighting, and special industrial and mining lamps. - We have a production capacity of more than 4 million lamps per year. - Company has more than 1,000 customers who are retail chains, wholesale segments, projects, and online customers. - Over 50% of the business is from monopoly assortment. - Business is growing at a steady pace. - Company has some liabilities which can either be cleared or transferred based on the buyer. - Business has a single owner.
7.1   Korolyov
Run Rate Sales
USD 7.2 million
12 %
Business for Sale
USD 2.2 Mn
Contact Business

Profitable Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Raipur, India

For Sale: Startup company assembling LED bulbs with own brand and high demand.
We are a Raipur based LED bulbs assembling company with own unit. - Products are sold under our own brand. - We have automatic machines that can produce 500 to 800 bulbs on a daily basis. - Client is a huge wholesaler and we will provide active buyer's contact. - We have a vendor from Delhi who supplies good quality raw materials. - Business has high potential and demands, in the right hand and with some investment, it can achieve new heights. - We have ready stock, furniture and compressor. - Promoter has 8 years of industry experience and solely owns the company. - Company does not have any outstanding bank loans, debt was taken on promoter's name and will be fully paid before the sale.
6.8   Raipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 26 thousand
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 24 K
Contact Business

Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Well-established LED lighting solutions company that has completed 85 projects for sale in Dubai.
We are a comprehensive LED lighting solutions company and cater to all types of projects across the ME region. - Our company has tie-ups with 12-15 manufacturers in China and 1 manufacturer in Europe from where we source our products. - These products are then supplied to our clients who are contractors, distributors, and consultants in the lighting industry. - We have our own brand name under which the products are re-sold. - Since our inception, we have completed more than 80 projects. - We have an estimated growth rate of 40%. - This is a family-owned business with 4 owners, two of them having a majority stake in the company. - Promoters are a successful business house of 21+ years in business in the region, with group revenue exceeding USD 100 million. - For the completion of our projects and working capital requirements we have a trust established from where we borrow the capital as per our requirements. - The company re-pays the amount on a monthly basis. More details will be shared after the connection. - Due to Covid there was a reduction in our last year's reported sales. - We have a well-connected network and an experienced team due to which we are expecting a high growth rate as the economy is re-opening.
Well-established LED lighting solutions company that has completed 85 projects for sale in Dubai.
7.2   Dubai
Run Rate Sales
USD 3.27 million
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 3.27 Mn
Contact Business

Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Bangalore, India

For Sale: Supply and installation of electrical lightings and interior items for corporate clients.
Business established in 2011 specializing in the sale of lighting and electronic fixtures to corporate clients. - Products are procured from top brands and manufacturers. - Business serves only corporate clients. - In a year we work on over 100 projects for 100 different clients. - Company has a bank loan of INR 3 crore. We can either clear the loan before the sale or the new buyer can continue the same loan. - Business has a sole owner.
6.9   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.15 million
18 %
Business for Sale
USD 950 K
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Lighting Fixtures Business for Sale in Hanoi, Vietnam

JSC specializing in research, sale of furniture and lighting to real estate industry and architects.
5-year old company specializing in the field of furniture and lighting. - We continuously conduct market research to help our clients effectively. - Products are sourced directly from manufacturers from different parts of Vietnam. - Have 10 loyal corporate clients who give regular orders. - Expandable and scalable business model with proper finance. - Availability of contacts of a wide variety of market players in construction, architecture, building materials.
6   Hanoi
Run Rate Sales
USD 4.8 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
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Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Bangkok, Thailand

For Sale: Lighting company in Bangkok with a wide commercial and residential customer base.
Over ten-year-old company specializing in LED lighting design solutions and consultation services. - Our work is mostly in residential, commercial, industrial, and also government sectors which include hotels, resorts, department stores, street lighting, mansion, factories, homes, apartments, and offices. - We are the approved lighting equipment vendor for many designers, builders, and architects. - We work on about 10 projects on a monthly basis presently. - Business has many stable designer clients and many referred clients. - We work on small to big projects based on clients' requirements. - Around 50% of the revenue is from commercial projects and 50% is from residential projects. - Sales have increased this year as we have added more variety to our products and also doing bigger projects. - The business hires part-time employees depending on their needs in the business.
For Sale: Lighting company in Bangkok with a wide commercial and residential customer base.
8.3   Bangkok
Run Rate Sales
USD 890 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 590 K
Contact Business

Profitable Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Bangkok, Thailand

For Sale: Lighting design studio in Bangkok, based in the hospitality sector across Asia Pacific.
Over 25-year old company specializing in lighting design solutions and consultation services. - Our work is mostly in the hospitality sector which includes 5-star hotels, resorts. - We are the approved lighting designers and lighting consultants for Marriott, Hilton, IHG, Accor, Pullman, InterContinental and many other renowned brands. - We work on 6-10 projects on a monthly basis. - Have designed more than 5,000 hotel rooms till date. - Most of our customers are repeat clients. - Have Asia Pacific coverage and the business is well connected in the industry.
For Sale: Lighting design studio in Bangkok, based in the hospitality sector across Asia Pacific.
9.5   Bangkok
Run Rate Sales
USD 177 thousand
38 %
Business for Sale
USD 295 K
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  • How many lighting fixtures businesses for sale are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 19 active and verified lighting fixtures businesses for sale listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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