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Restaurant Investment Opportunities in South Jakarta

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Restaurant Investment Opportunities in South Jakarta. Invest in a Restaurant, Fine Dine Restaurant or a Casual Restaurant.

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  • South Jakarta

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Bar Investment Opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia

Japanese restaurant & bar investment opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia.
We are a Japanese restaurant located in the heart of Jl. Antasari, South Jakarta. - Have a curated menu that combines flavors from parts of Japan and Asia. - The average footfall per day is 40 customers with more guests during weekends. - Our recurring clientele provides us with a steady revenue stream and has huge potential to grow and expand. - The restaurant has a very upscale decor with planetary, 6 big wood tables in the center, and 24 Tables. We have a seating capacity of 120 People. - We serve more than 75 different food menus to the table. - We serve more than 30 different menus that combined coffee and non-coffee. - We serve more than 10 different alcoholic beverages to our guests. - One of the most differentiated services that we have is working space. We have 6 working rooms ready to use with size 3x5 square meters. The monthly fee starts from Rp 3,000,000. - Benefit of having a quite big open space is we can execute the event by ourselves or with a third party. Our portfolio for this service is music events, bridal showers, company meetings, birthday party weddings, etc. - We also have a fully stocked bar and live entertainment to provide a lively atmosphere. - Have tie up with Google Review and we have a 4.4 star rating. - Currently, the majority of the revenue is from the sale of food.
Japanese restaurant & bar investment opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia.
6.8   South Jakarta
Run Rate Sales
USD 390 thousand
31 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 130 K for 40%
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Catering Company Investment Opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia

Reputed restaurant and catering chain from Jakarta with 37 outlets seeks investment to expand further.
Current outlets: 37 outlets including 1 main kitchen located in Jakarta. - Planned additional outlets: 38 in the coming year and 64 in the future. - The business plans to go public (IPO) in a couple of years. - The business does not have any loans. - Gross Profit: IDR 1.8 billion and IDR 2.9 billion during the pandemic, and IDR 4.9 billion in the previous year. - Official sponsor of Indonesia Badminton Open. - 30% of our revenue is from the catering business, and the rest 70% is through dine-in and takeaway.
Reputed restaurant and catering chain from Jakarta with 37 outlets seeks investment to expand further.
6.6   South Jakarta
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.63 million
8 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.26 Mn for 12%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia

Business with a combination of pizzeria, dining, and coffeeshop in Jakarta with Italian-themed place.
A pizzeria eatery with 75% development progress, a solid concept and mature profit & loss projections. - This is not just a regular pizzeria eatery or restaurant, we feature elements of hospitality, events & spaces, as well as music & arts. - This will be an ecosystem that includes collaborations, community, trends & events, and events & promotions. - We are striving to provide the best experience and services to our customers. - Seating capacity is 100-150 pax with a parking area for 15+ cars and 20+ motorcycles. - For bar needs, we have planned to rent a few equipment (an espresso machine, and grinder) - Most of our finances are used for construction and legal purposes.
Business with a combination of pizzeria, dining, and coffeeshop in Jakarta with Italian-themed place.
6.8   South Jakarta
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 26 K for 26%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in South Jakarta, Indonesia

Business with a combination of pizzeria, dining, and coffeeshop in Jakarta with Italian-themed place.
A pizzeria eatery with 75% development progress, a solid concept and mature profit & loss projections. - This is not just a regular pizzeria eatery or restaurant, we feature elements of hospitality, events & spaces, as well as music & arts. - This will be an ecosystem that includes collaborations, community, trends & events, and events & promotions. - We are striving to provide the best experience and services to our customers. - Seating capacity is 100-150 pax with a parking area for 15+ cars and 20+ motorcycles. - For bar needs, we have planned to rent a few equipment (an espresso machine, and grinder) - Most of our finances are used for construction and legal purposes.
Business with a combination of pizzeria, dining, and coffeeshop in Jakarta with Italian-themed place.
6.8   South Jakarta
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 26 K for 26%
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Bar Investment Opportunity in Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia

Newly opened restaurant and bar that combines Asian, Mediterranean and European cuisine.
We are a restaurant and bar located in the heart of Jl. Gunawarman, South Jakarta. - Have a curated menu that combines flavours from parts of Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia. - The average footfall per day is 36 customers with more guests during weekends. - Our recurring clientele provides us with a steady revenue stream and has huge potential to grow and expand. - Restaurant has a very upscale decor with oakwood doors, big marble tables and velvet sofa. We have a seating capacity of 78 people. - Our chef has spent nine years honing his skills in countries such as Canada and Portugal. - We also have a fully stocked bar and live entertainment to provide a lively atmosphere. - Have tie up with Zomato and we have a 3.9 star rating.
Newly opened restaurant and bar that combines Asian, Mediterranean and European cuisine.
6.5   Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Run Rate Sales
USD 500 thousand
14 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 194 K for 35%
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  • How many restaurant investment opportunities in South Jakarta are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 4 active and verified restaurant investment opportunities in South Jakarta listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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