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Toy Shops for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Tamil Nadu

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Toy Shops for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Tamil Nadu. Buy or Invest in a Toy Shop.

  • Toy Shops

  • Tamil Nadu


Toy Shop Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

For Sale: Mother and Babycare toy shop business with 3 stores across Chennai and Online.
Established retail brand in Chennai selling baby garments, Mothercare products, toys, and stationeries. - Have 3 stores across Chennai and each store has a 3,000 regular customer database. - This is a well-established brand and one of the most popular stores in a 10 km radius. - Products are produced by various manufacturers and distributors. - Company has a valid GST and TM license.
For Sale: Mother and Babycare toy shop business with 3 stores across Chennai and Online.
7.5   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 260 thousand
30 - 40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 150 K for 50%
Contact Business

Toy Shop for Sale in Trichy, India

For Sale: Profitable business selling educational robotics kits & DIY product on eCommerce platforms.
Business is headquartered in Trichy with a branch office cum warehouse in Chennai. - We specialize in selling robotic, educational products for hobbyists through our own website, Amazon and Flipkart. - Our products are top-rated on Amazon India. Top-rated seller and best-selling products for 5 years in a row under robotics, educational and do-it-yourself kits category. - Also have an offline presence by distributing to retail stores. - Majority of the revenue is through online marketplaces, especially from Amazon. We receive more than 100 orders per day from Amazon alone. - Some of the products are manufactured in Tamil Nadu by contact manufacturers and some are imported from China. - Have a tie-up with a leading 3rd party Amazon India joint venture seller for assured yearly sales. So no need to worry about business sales. - Our products have a high-profit margin. - Not much experience is required to operate the business. - All our products are unique in nature and offer high visibility across India through online marketplace sales.
For Sale: Profitable business selling educational robotics kits & DIY product on eCommerce platforms.
6.8   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 180 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 420 K
Contact Business

Toy Shop for Sale in Chennai, India

Toys & gifts showroom known for its friendly service and trend-setter in the area.
Our shop deals in toys, gifts, stationeries, home decoration & party items and mobile accessories. - It is located in a residential area with many houses and apartments nearby. In addition, there are 10 private schools within 2 kms radius which increases our customer footfall. - We are trend-setter in the area known for our quality products in different categories and we are always evolving. - Just like every other business, we have a strong base of loyal customers and good footfall. - Before COVID-19, we used to serve 1,500+ customers per month. At present, we serve 1,200+ customers per month. - Our run rate sales have dropped due to the pandemic. However, before the pandemic hit, our sales had been growing at 10% YoY for the last 3 years. - Business slowdown due to COVID-19 is recovering now and our sales and footfall have started to rise. - Have tie-ups with 100+ suppliers and we have a good relationship with all our suppliers. - We are known for prompt payment to our suppliers (within 1 week). This ensures quick delivery of products and trust. - Our business is GST compliant. We have computerized billing & inventory management system and have well maintained sales data. - Have experienced staff working at our shop.
Toys & gifts showroom known for its friendly service and trend-setter in the area.
8   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 50 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 42 K
Contact Business
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Toy Shop for Sale in Chennai, India

Toys & gifts showroom known for its friendly service and trend-setter in the area.
Our shop deals in toys, gifts, stationeries, home decoration & party items and mobile accessories. - It is located in a residential area with many houses and apartments nearby. In addition, there are 10 private schools within 2 kms radius which increases our customer footfall. - We are trend-setter in the area known for our quality products in different categories and we are always evolving. - Just like every other business, we have a strong base of loyal customers and good footfall. - Before COVID-19, we used to serve 1,500+ customers per month. At present, we serve 1,200+ customers per month. - Our run rate sales have dropped due to the pandemic. However, before the pandemic hit, our sales had been growing at 10% YoY for the last 3 years. - Business slowdown due to COVID-19 is recovering now and our sales and footfall have started to rise. - Have tie-ups with 100+ suppliers and we have a good relationship with all our suppliers. - We are known for prompt payment to our suppliers (within 1 week). This ensures quick delivery of products and trust. - Our business is GST compliant. We have computerized billing & inventory management system and have well maintained sales data. - Have experienced staff working at our shop.
Toys & gifts showroom known for its friendly service and trend-setter in the area.
8   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 50 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 42 K
Contact Business

Toy Shop Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

One stop baby shop aimed at newborn babies and their mothers, operating with 2 outlets.
We are a one stop baby shop offering over 2,800 unique items for new born babies and moms. - Currently operating with 2 outlets in Chennai. - Have tie up with over 50 vendors who supply us the products. - We are also in the process to open another outlet in a few months. - The founder of the company holds 2 decades of experience in retail industry and has an in-depth knowledge of the baby care industry.
One stop baby shop aimed at newborn babies and their mothers, operating with 2 outlets.
6.6   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 72 thousand
38 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 25%
Contact Business

Toy Shop Franchise Opportunity

Smiling Baby, Established in 2014, 2 Franchisees, Chennai Headquartered
  • 20+ introductions
  • 5000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Smiling Baby is a baby care store offering over 2,800 unique items required for newborn babies up to 3 years and their mothers. Started our brand in the year 2014 and have scaled & grown over the years. We wish to see our brand penetrate in the state of Tamil Nadu, Southern India and rest of India by building a truly omni channel retail outlet with presence in both online and offline mode. The Founder & Managing Director is a Retail Industry veteran with over 21 year's experience and has in-depth knowledge of the Baby Care Industry.
Smiling Baby, Established in 2014, 2 Franchisees, Chennai Headquartered
6.3   Expanding in Tamil Nadu
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 4.8 - 9.5 thousand
Space Required
250 - 900 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 18 - 36 K
Contact Company

Toy Shop Franchise Opportunity

Khilonewala, Established in 2011, 31 Franchisees, Indore Headquartered
  • 10+ introductions
  • 6000+ Page Views
  • 2000+ Investor Views
Khilonewala is a start up venture, started from Indore (M. P) in 2011. Khilonewala is an India's No. 1 Toy Library which rents Toys, Games, Books, CD’s, VCD’s and Outdoor games to kids of age group between 1 to 12 years. Khilonewala is changing the way kids grow and learn while they play. We use toys, games, books and CD’s as a tool to make your kids learn while having fun.
Khilonewala, Established in 2011, 31 Franchisees, Indore Headquartered
6.6   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 720
Space Required
200 - 250 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 3.3 - 4.8 K
Contact Company
  • How many toy shops for sale and investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 6 active and verified toy shops for sale and investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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