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Biomass Energy Equipment Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Biomass Energy Equipment Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities. Buy or Invest in a Biomass Energy Equipment Business.

  • Biomass Energy Equipment


Biomass Energy Equipment Company for Sale in Bakonyjákó, Hungary

For-sale: Wood pellet and briquette manufacturer with strong clients, EU certification, and reliable transportation fleet.
The company possesses its wood processing facility, storage, and a dedicated fleet of transportation vehicles. - Our extensive client and partner network will be transferred to the new owners. - The business generates good revenue, with the potential for significant growth through expansion into foreign markets. - The company has held an EU export number and certification since its European Union membership, although all sales are currently domestic. - Presently, the operation is running at peak capacity, processing up to 2.2 tons per hour. - Current employee count is sufficient since we have high-end machinery. - Use case: - Residential Heating: Wood pellets and briquettes are used in stoves and boilers to efficiently heat homes. - Commercial and Institutional Heating: They provide cost-effective heating solutions for public institutions and large corporations. - Industrial Processes: Industries use these products for heat-intensive manufacturing processes.
For-sale: Wood pellet and briquette manufacturer with strong clients, EU certification, and reliable transportation fleet.
8.4   Bakonyjákó
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.03 million
13 %
Business for Sale
USD 2.54 Mn
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Biomass Energy Equipment Company Investment Opportunity in Budapest, Hungary

Manufacturer of biomass-based products to produce renewable energy seeks investment to start a new plant.
We are looking to invest in an operational biomass-based product manufacturing company and are seeking investor partners for funds. - The company that we have identified manufactures biomass ovens and biomass-based products to produce renewable energy. - The new company has started operations, using biomass side products from the production of another company (and other sources) with its own developed machines to produce electricity and heat at the same time with very high energy efficiency rates (>90%) and lower cost (>55% cost savings versus natural gas). - The current capacity of the plant is 10,000 tonnes annually and can produce 30,000 tonnes post obtaining funds. - A new, much larger production site is almost finished, the machines and production certified with TüV-Süd accreditation. Annual revenue so far is EUR 3,68,400 but the capacity of the new production site and demand from customers across Europe suggests significant growth potential. - Company is owned by a single director. The firm has a business loan of EUR 1 million.
8.3   Budapest
Run Rate Sales
USD 410 thousand
6 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 270 K for 25%
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Biomass Energy Equipment Business Seeking Loan in Faridabad, India

2013 established Faridabad based company delivering bio solution to clients, seeks investments.
2013 established company providing bio solution to clients. - We design, manufacture and set up bio-plants as per the client requirement. - We have more than 44 clients across India. - Have successfully completed more than 30 projects. - We recently won a project from NTPC limited. - Promoter has more than 5 years of experience.
7.8   Faridabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 4.2 K at 15%
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Biomass Energy Equipment Business Seeking Loan in Faridabad, India

2013 established Faridabad based company delivering bio solution to clients, seeks investments.
2013 established company providing bio solution to clients. - We design, manufacture and set up bio-plants as per the client requirement. - We have more than 44 clients across India. - Have successfully completed more than 30 projects. - We recently won a project from NTPC limited. - Promoter has more than 5 years of experience.
7.8   Faridabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 4.2 K at 15%
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  • How many biomass energy equipment businesses for sale and investment opportunities are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified biomass energy equipment businesses for sale and investment opportunities listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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