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Home Healthcare Business Seeking Loan in Mumbai, India

Company provides nursing services to treat patients at their homes, seeks funds for developing a healthcare portal.
This transaction has concluded.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 3.6 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 3.6 thousand
EBITDA Margin 15 %
Industries Home Healthcare + 1 more
Locations  Mumbai
Local Time 4:54 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 36 thousand for 12.0% annual interest, 3 years (Native Currency: INR 3,000,000)
Reason: Need funds to develop an online platform for promoting our services.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Business Overview
- This company started in 2018 and we offer home healthcare services.
- We provide nurses for home treatment which is meant for patients who are bedridden and require daily care.
- Recruiting nurses from nursing colleges for providing our services.
- Working with 7 clients based in Mumbai, and looking to further expand by introducing an online platform to connect patients with hospitals for providing home healthcare services.
Products & Services Overview
Nursing services for treating patients at their homes.
Facilities Overview
Working from home based office.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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