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Furniture Franchise Opportunities in Japan

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Furniture Franchise Opportunities in Japan. Buy a Furniture, Child Furniture, Office Furniture or a Office Furniture Wholesale Franchise.

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Furniture Distributor Opportunity

Solid Racks, Established in 2008, 1 Distributor, Sydney Headquartered
  • 30+ introductions
  • 6000+ Page Views
  • 3000+ Investor Views
Solid Racks are world leaders in ergonomic and innovative architectural storage and building solutions and cater to a growing market for strong and reliable storage solutions. Our products are used globally by Olympians, top sporting clubs, leading physios, world champion surfers, nursing homes, schools, and offices. With the rise in demand in Australia, the team at Solid Racks implemented a dedicated research & development division within their manufacturing plant in Sydney, Australia, after being inundated with requests from consumers wanting individual solid storage solutions for their homes and retail spaces. The Solid Infinity System is patented and is rapidly generated interest from some of the world's largest gymnasiums as well as multi-industry heavyweights who are now clients and converts of SIS gym. 4 years ago we were recognised for space-saving deliverables in pre-hab and rehabilitation, thus being installed in Manly Waters Private Hospital, numerous national physiotherapy practices, and the European Tour Performance Institute's mobile physiotherapy unit for the PGA Golf professionals. This year we developed a new range of stainless-steel storage solutions for watercraft – both mobile and stationary. These units allow dowels to move up and down a channel thus increasing storage and giving much easy access to boards. It is the first type of product offered in the world and is now being used across surf clubs around Australia. Solid Racks patented product awards and accolades include: winners of the Australian ABC New Inventors, finalists in the Australian Engineering Awards, finalists for Innovation Telstra Business Awards, and shortlisted in the Australian International Design Awards to name a few. This year also marks the year that we are looking for partners to help us expand overseas. We are passionate about our product and are extremely confident that a global market exists for us. Distributors do not need a lot of space or investment to become a reseller but we are looking for the right fit.
Solid Racks, Established in 2008, 1 Distributor, Sydney Headquartered
8.4   Expanding in Japan
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 38.4 - 115 thousand
Space Required
0 - 10000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 34.5 - 768 K
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Kitchen Cabinet Franchise Opportunity

Würfel, Established in 2015, 34 Franchisees, Bangalore Headquartered
  • 10+ introductions
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Würfel was conceived with a noble thought of presenting every Indian home with a European kitchen. We feel profoundly privileged to have changed the modular kitchen industry in the country by bringing the best of Europe to Indian homes. We believe in creating timeless products that last over decades. We believe in creating homes that make a statement & promote healthy living. We are a team of energetic and positive individuals, with a drive to put a smile on every client’s face. We are ethical by practice and transparent in all modes of our business. We are humble in nature and believe that problems are a part of life. We take ownership of any problem and stand by our clients and ensure that the best is delivered. We are a differentiator and we believe that we will elevate the home interior industry. As a part of our core process, each and every finished raw material and hardware is handpicked from the best in Europe, catered to suit robust Indian cooking practices and made to last forever. We have evolved over time and so has our product line; from kitchens & wardrobes to complete home interior solutions. Our promise is to deliver only the best and create stylish European homes. Würfel is the most successful B2B modular kitchen brand with 30+ showrooms across the country. We believe in growing together and creating successful businesses for positive and high-spirit professionals.
Würfel, Established in 2015, 34 Franchisees, Bangalore Headquartered
7.7   Expanding in Asia
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 30 thousand
Space Required
1500 - 2000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 45 - 54 K
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Kitchen Cabinet Franchise Opportunity

Würfel, Established in 2015, 34 Franchisees, Bangalore Headquartered
  • 10+ introductions
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Würfel was conceived with a noble thought of presenting every Indian home with a European kitchen. We feel profoundly privileged to have changed the modular kitchen industry in the country by bringing the best of Europe to Indian homes. We believe in creating timeless products that last over decades. We believe in creating homes that make a statement & promote healthy living. We are a team of energetic and positive individuals, with a drive to put a smile on every client’s face. We are ethical by practice and transparent in all modes of our business. We are humble in nature and believe that problems are a part of life. We take ownership of any problem and stand by our clients and ensure that the best is delivered. We are a differentiator and we believe that we will elevate the home interior industry. As a part of our core process, each and every finished raw material and hardware is handpicked from the best in Europe, catered to suit robust Indian cooking practices and made to last forever. We have evolved over time and so has our product line; from kitchens & wardrobes to complete home interior solutions. Our promise is to deliver only the best and create stylish European homes. Würfel is the most successful B2B modular kitchen brand with 30+ showrooms across the country. We believe in growing together and creating successful businesses for positive and high-spirit professionals.
Würfel, Established in 2015, 34 Franchisees, Bangalore Headquartered
7.7   Expanding in Asia
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 30 thousand
Space Required
1500 - 2000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 45 - 54 K
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