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Investors in Sonipat

Showing 1 - 14 of 7631 Investors in Sonipat. Buy or Sell your Business in Sonipat.

  • Sonipat

Sales Group Manager, Consumer Electronics

Franchise Investor in Sonipat, India

Interests: Franchise opportunities that generate a 15-20% profit margin. Required land will be rented after the deal closure.
Background: Sales specialist having 6 years of experience working in corporates.
6.6 / 10
Sonipat + 2 more
Courier Shops + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 24 K
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Founder, Business Consultancy

Corporate Franchise Buyer in Sonipat, India

Interests: Looking for multiple franchises to set up in Haryana.
Background: We are a business consultancy firm, based in Sonipat. We also provide educational training and outsourcing services.
6.6 / 10
Sonipat + 1 more
Education Consultants + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 12 K
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Interests: - Operational school, existing client base, and great quality learning. - The business can be located in Delhi NCR region as I can arrange for resources and manpower that can handle the business.
Background: I have been working in the education sector. I run my own school business.
6.1 / 10
Sonipat + 5 more
Playschools + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Interests: - Operational school, existing client base, and great quality learning. - The business can be located in Delhi NCR region as I can arrange for resources and manpower that can handle the business.
Background: I have been working in the education sector. I run my own school business.
6.1 / 10
Sonipat + 5 more
Playschools + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Interests: Interested in Playschools and related sectors.
Background: Running a private business in Haryana. Looking for business opportunities.
6.3 / 10
Entertainment Centers + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 24 K
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Interests: I am looking to invest in a profitable restaurant or a sweet shop. I want to purchase the business with set up. I am also open to take the facility on lease.
Background: I am the owner of my own apparel store. I am searching for business opportunities in my personal capacity.
6.6 / 10
Sonipat + 1 more
Fast Food Restaurants + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 48 K
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Human Resource Manager, Electrical Vehicles Manufacturer

Individual Investor in Sonipat, India

Interests: - Looking to invest in a profitable and growing business that can yield around 15-20% of annual returns. - The business should be well-established and genuine.
Background: I have been working as a human resource manager in electrical vehicle manufacturing company.
6.6 / 10
Sonipat + 1 more
Cloud Kitchens + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 12 K
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Vice President, Pharmaceutical

Individual Buyer in Sonipat, India

Interests: I am interested in investing in businesses that are focused on connecting people through their stomachs, such as cafes, restaurants, fast food restaurants, restaurants and bars, bakery products, ice cream parlors, and juice & snack shops, located in Sonipat. My objective is to make a healthy India by providing the best quality products. The business should be functional.
Background: I am the vice president of a pharmaceutical company. I am an experienced investor and buyer, with extensive knowledge of the industry and a keen eye for identifying potential investments and acquisitions.
7.9 / 10
Bakery Products + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 730 K
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Interests: Interested in new business with brand name.
Background: I have worked with multinational companies as a CFO and foreign project head.
6.6 / 10
Sonipat + 1 more
Food & Beverage + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: I am looking to invest in a well know brand supermarkets or grocery shops.
Background: I am an MBA graduate with 2 years of corporate experience and currently managing my own pharma manufacturing unit.
5.8 / 10
Grocery Shops + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: I would like to know more about the business model and financials of the company.
Background: I am the owner of a home decor business.
5.8 / 10
Sonipat + 1 more
Take Aways + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 8.4 K
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Owner, Real Estate Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Sonipat, India

Interests: I am looking for an established business that is at least 10 years old.
Background: I operate a real estate agency firm. I am looking for opportunities for a secondary source of income.
5.8 / 10
Cafes + 5 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: Have a space of 12,000 Sq Ft in Sonipat which has 30 built classrooms and other facilities. Want to set up an education franchise.
Background: Working professional in a jewellery firm.
5.8 / 10
Coaching Centers + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Proprietor, Food Packaging And Trading

Individual Investor in Sonipat, India

Interests: Interested in a start up which has good growth potential. The business should be in Delhi NCR, as the locations of these regions are close by.
Background: I run a food packaging and trading business. Looking for opportunities to grow my business further.
5.8 / 10
Sonipat + 10 more
Glass + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 36 K
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Interests: I am looking for a business with a good product range with a turnover of INR 20-25 crores.
Background: We are a medicine manufacturer & exporter based in Sonipat, Haryana. We want to start our operations in the domestic market.
6 / 10
Sonipat + 10 more
Generic Pharmaceuticals + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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  • How many investors in Sonipat are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 7631 active and verified investors in Sonipat listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
  • What level of due diligence does SMERGERS conduct on the businesses/member?

    SMERGERS scrutinizes all profiles and only features a select group of businesses, investors, advisors that meet a basic requirement. When required, certain members may have submitted some form of proof …read more

  • How active are the business profiles listed on SMERGERS?

    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

  • How can I be sure about privacy and confidentiality?

    We understand the level of confidentiality required in strategic transactions and we strive to provide a safe and secure experience for our members. Please review our privacy policy. We …read more

  • How can I contact a business listed on SMERGERS?

    You need to be logged in before you connect with a business. Click here to register and message the business If you are already logged in, please use the contact …read more

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  • How successful has SMERGERS been in helping its users successfully close a deal?

    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

  • What is the checklist for selling a business?

    Here is the checklist for selling a business

    1. Find a manager who can take care of your business in your absence.
    2. Fix the operations to optimize your profit …read more

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