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Mobile App Investment Opportunities in Pune

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Mobile App Investment Opportunities in Pune. Invest in a Mobile App or a Phone App.

  • Mobile Apps

  • Pune

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Last Mile Delivery Business Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Hyperlocal delivery services app in Pune with 500+ downloads and 500 service vendors listed.
The platform receives around 20-25 orders daily with an average order value of rs 500 or more. - There are 500 service vendors listed on our platform currently. These include transportation services through bikes, 3-wheelers, tempo, and -trucks. - We receive a commission of 10% from our drivers on every successful delivery. On further expansion, we plan to receive a commission of 5% on sales from every vendor listed on our app. - We currently have 5 employees to take care of the business's day-to-day operational activities. - We are planning to expand our business by increasing our demographic reach and services line by introducing food delivery services, grocery delivery, and ride-hailing services.
5.6   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 8.6 thousand
40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 120 K for 50%
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Mobile App Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Online platform that connects users and certified finance and legal consultants.
An online platform that connects users and certified finance and legal consultants, allowing users to receive professional guidance and solutions for their doubts, queries, and questions via the Chatter feature. The business is a pre-revenue startup.
6.6   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 8.3 K for 85%
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Mobile App Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Seeking Investment: Mobile app that seeks to be an online marketplace for leasing/renting products.
Specializing in the leasing/renting of products via a subscription-based model. - Operational website and app soft-launched on the Play Store, requiring UI revamp. - Target customers include furniture rental, appliance rental, sound system businesses, and individuals. - Website to also earn revenue through online advertisements. - Developed by 4 developers, 100% of the source code is owned by the company. - Owner has 2-3 businesses and used their resources for the product's development.
6.1   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 90 K for 33%
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Mobile App Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Seeking Investment: Mobile app that seeks to be an online marketplace for leasing/renting products.
Specializing in the leasing/renting of products via a subscription-based model. - Operational website and app soft-launched on the Play Store, requiring UI revamp. - Target customers include furniture rental, appliance rental, sound system businesses, and individuals. - Website to also earn revenue through online advertisements. - Developed by 4 developers, 100% of the source code is owned by the company. - Owner has 2-3 businesses and used their resources for the product's development.
6.1   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 90 K for 33%
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Social Network Website Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Company is primarily into digital product solutions and services seeks investment for a mobile app.
Start-up mobile apps and software development company in Pune. - We seek investment for a recently in-house developed mobile app. - In this mobile app, users can ask questions and get answers from professionals and other individuals. - Users who answer the questions on the platform receives points which can be converted into cash. - Mobile app has 500-600 downloads and active users so far. - Have user base from India, UK, US, Canada, Australia. - App is available both on iOS and Android platforms. - We do not generate revenue from this app yet but we plan to make revenue from ads. - As a company, we are working on 2 more mobile apps which are in beta stage. Our last year's revenue was INR 40 lakh.
6   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 180 K for 25%
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Ecommerce Website Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

App & web based platform where customers can order daily essentials from local shops.
Firm is building an app and web based platform that will use customer's IP address to show local shops in 5 kms range and allow customers to order daily essentials from those shops. Our website is ready (yet to launch commercially) and have finished 50% of mobile app development work. Have spoken with 20-30 retail shops in Pune to list them on our platform. Our revenue model will be 2-3% commission per order. Initially, the delivery will be taken care by the retail shops but in future, we plan to introduce our own delivery system using robots. The robots will be placed only inside housing complex and will be guided by GPS device. Each robot will have the capacity to transport upto 40 kgs. We plan to buy robots from USA and South Korea. Our aim is to build an online retail marketplace by integrating local shop and robot delivery system. This interlinked and localized system will result in increased demand for local shops. The platform will also provide chat support for better experience. We plan to test the prototype in next 6 months and launch our delivery system in 2 years with full functionality. We have made a list of major milestones in our business presentation. After raising funds, we will register a new entity and the investor will receive ownership in the new company.
App & web based platform where customers can order daily essentials from local shops.
6.2   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 6 K for 40%
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Auto Repair and Service Company Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

App based on-demand car & bike repair & service provider delivered by partner garages and technicians.
Our platform has network of partner garages and on role technicians to provide various car & bike maintenance services such as scheduled service, major & minor repair, dent, paint, spare parts. - Android app available on Google Play of both models B2B & B2C. We are constantly upgrading UI and features on our application. Currently it's the 3rd version of app and within this year-end, there will be a new release. - We mostly prefer to procure spare parts directly from manufacturers to maximize the profit and to pass-on benefits directly to car & bike owners. At present, we make purchases at different levels depending on situation and requirements. - Revenue model: We make a profit in B2C by providing service to the customers gained from BLT marketing and through our application promotion and a small part of revenue comes from B2B mode, however once established we plan to have multiple tie-ups with potential corporate companies such providing car rental / leasing and car-sharing service. - Our company is registered in Pune and having a shared office. - Seriously looking for angel investment not just for cash investment but for business guidance. We are a highly ambitious and motivated person who doesn't depend on anyone. - Promoter carries 15 years of experience in automotive industry and has complete bike & car repair knowledge as well as experience.
6.3   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.3 thousand
30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 18 K for 20%
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Food Delivery Business Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Online mobile app where customers can order daily food from the nearby local mess.
Newly established online food ordering app. - We offer an online platform for local mess and customers who are looking for daily food. - Our mobile app has more than 2,000 tiffin providers and over 2,000 users. - Serving in more than 40 areas across Pune. - We receive around 70-80 orders on a daily basis. - Have completed over 5,000 orders in the last 2 months. - Have hired delivery boys on a contract basis to deliver the food across Pune. - We have received more than 2,000 downloads on our Android mobile app. - We charge a commission for every order from mess & hotels and also generate revenue from promotions. - Promoter has more than 6 years of experience in this industry. - Business owns website, mobile app, furniture and computers.
6.2   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 17.2 thousand
22 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 40%
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Small Gaming Website Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

A company that has developed education-based mobile games, seeking funds for advertising & marketing expenses.
The company has developed 9 games released in the Apple Store and 2 games released on Play Store. - Recently, the Android game was featured on the Play Store. - Android games have 15,000+ downloads within 2 weeks of launch. - It has a daily volume of 500-800 users without any marketing, averaging 3,000 sessions per day. - The owner has 25 years of experience in IT. - The games are all tested, and ready for release with minimum effort with a full-scale promotion. Once the games are popular and have a user base of 1Mn+ expect steady revenue of unlimited potential games like candy crush, threes. - All games are unique and addictive puzzles. Each with a unique idea match-3 with maths, vocabulary based turn-based, Rubik cube-like, App like diary journal, a reminder. - Once the games become hit then the business is a minimum effort business with exponentially high returns.
7.2   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 720
Partial Stake Sale
USD 143 K for 25%
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  • How many mobile app investment opportunities in Pune are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 8 active and verified mobile app investment opportunities in Pune listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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