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Auto Repair and Service Businesses for Sale in Hyderabad

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Auto Repair and Service Businesses for Sale in Hyderabad. Buy an Auto Repair and Service, Auto Garage, Car Repair, Bike Repair, Starter & Alternator Repair, Auto Fabrication or a Auto Detailing Business.

  • Auto Repair and Service

  • Hyderabad

  • Businesses For Sale


Auto Repair and Service Business for Sale in Hyderabad, India

For Sale: 2 wheeler repair center receiving 150-200 motor cycles monthly.
Franchise of a famous brand. - We repair 150-20 motorcycles monthly. - We have MSME and GST registration. - For general service, we will give back the vehicle in a day and for detailed services, we take 2-3 days. - The promoter has 8+ years of experience in this industry.
For Sale: 2 wheeler repair center receiving 150-200 motor cycles monthly.
6.9   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 42 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 14 K
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Auto Repair and Service Business for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Non-operational entity, used to provide engine carbon cleaning services for petrol & diesel engines.
We used to provide engine carbon cleaning services for both petrol & diesel engines in Hyderabad. Our firm only ran for 1 year after inception and while operational, it served more than 200+ clients. We did not have any car cleaning center as we used to provide the services at customer's doorstep. Engine carbon cleaning services is new in India and interested buyer can establish tie-ups with logistics & travel companies to have smooth client base. Carbon cleaning services also helps the engine reduce carbon emission and increases engine's performance & efficiency. Assets owned by the firm include 1 engine carbon cleaning machine. Full sale of the business include 1 machine, legal entity of the firm and database of 80,000 car owners in Hyderabad.
6.4   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 11.8 K
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Auto Repair and Service Business for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Franchise outlet of a car care services located at a very convenient location in Hyderabad.
2015 established company providing car detailing center with excellent services for all types of cars. Its a franchise outlet of a well-known brand. - We have our showroom at a very prominent location in Hyderabad with two Banks in the close vicinity. - On a daily basis, we service around 10 cars. - Orders are both through online and walk-ins. - Till now we have served more than 5,000 clients. - Promoter is an IIM graduate having 5 years of industry experience.
Franchise outlet of a car care services located at a very convenient location in Hyderabad.
7   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 200 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 141 K
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Auto Repair and Service Business for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Franchise outlet of a car care services located at a very convenient location in Hyderabad.
2015 established company providing car detailing center with excellent services for all types of cars. Its a franchise outlet of a well-known brand. - We have our showroom at a very prominent location in Hyderabad with two Banks in the close vicinity. - On a daily basis, we service around 10 cars. - Orders are both through online and walk-ins. - Till now we have served more than 5,000 clients. - Promoter is an IIM graduate having 5 years of industry experience.
Franchise outlet of a car care services located at a very convenient location in Hyderabad.
7   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 200 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 141 K
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  • How many auto repair and service businesses for sale in Hyderabad are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified auto repair and service businesses for sale in Hyderabad listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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