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Accessories Business for Sale in Jerusalem, Israel

The largest premium hat store in Israel selling products imported from 6 foreign countries.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 175 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 194 thousand
EBITDA Margin 30 %
Industries Accessories + 1 more
Locations  Jerusalem
Local Time 6:38 AM Asia / Jerusalem
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 270 thousand (Native Currency: ILS 1,000,000)
Reason: The owner is looking to sell this business due to retirement.
Includes physical assets worth USD 94 thousand
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Pitch Deck
Business Overview
- A leading upscale hat store for both men and women in Israel, offering a wide range of quality hats such as borsalino, stetson, and straw Hats imported from foreign countries.
- We have a network of 6 foreign manufacturers and 3 local manufacturers from whom we source our products.
- The store is strategically located in central Jerusalem and designed with large glass-encased cabinets specifically to showcase its extensive hat collection.
- With almost no direct competition due to its diverse hat selection, SherlockS has secured exclusive rights to sell certain brands from producers in Ecuador and England within Israel.
- The business's most effective advertisement remains word of mouth, reflecting the strong customer relationships it has cultivated.
- It caters to a diverse clientele, including religious Jews who purchase winter hats year-round, and predominantly serves customers aged 25-50.
- About 90% of the company's revenue is through in-store sales, with an average product price of ILS 396.
- While facing challenges due to a decrease in tourist activity and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business has substantial untapped potential, particularly in online sales. The owner is confident that this could enable the store to reach sales of over ILS 1M.
- The store has only 2 employees, with a part-time worker managing the website, a staffing level deemed sufficient for the store's operational needs.
Products & Services Overview
- We sell Quality hats like Borsalino and Stetson hats, as well as straw Hats imported from 6 countries namely England, Germany, the US, Italy, and Ecuador.
- Our best-selling products are fedoras, a type of hat.
- We have exclusive selling rights to certain brands in England and Ecuador.
Assets Overview
- The tangible assets include the stock of Hats valued at ILS 180,000.
- The rest of the assets worth ILS 170,000 are made up of the displays and store furnishings.
- Our strong suite of intangibles includes the website, social media, mailing list, and loyal customers.
Facilities Overview
We have a 100-meter rented store with two levels located in Dorot Rishonim, Jerusalem.
The lease agreement has just been renewed for 4 years.
Capitalization Overview
The business is run by a sole proprietor with 100% ownership.
There is an outstanding loan valued at 230 thousand shekels. This loan will be paid off by the business.
Recent Activity
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