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Cosmetics Company for Sale in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Successful 3.5-Year-Old E-Commerce Hair & Beauty Products Business for Sale.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 440 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 438 thousand
EBITDA Margin 20 %
Industries Cosmetics + 1 more
Locations  Dubai
Local Time 8:40 AM Asia / Dubai
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 179 thousand (Native Currency: USD 179,000)
Reason: We are raising funds for our main business to invest in, in order to achieve further growth.
Head image
Business models
Business Overview
- We are an eCommerce company selling cosmetic products.
- Our sales are only through our website.
- Receive an average of an average o 16-20 orders daily.
- We have paid advertising and a dedicated team (operations & marketing) that can stay for the length of operation in the niche.
- The business is a growing niche and requires a low time commitment.
- The business has over 18.5K Instagram followers.
- Business has warm pixels full of data, health profits, and untapped & unexplored markets.
- Have loyal customers with over 21% returning customers.
- Generating a remarkable USD 1.1M in total Sales, USD 440K Sales TTM and USD 90K TTM Net profit. This business exemplifies thriving and profitable.
- With such strong financial performance, it promises a robust return on investment, making it a compelling choice for any discerning investor.
- Our reach extends across platforms like Meta, Google Ads, TikTok, and Klaviyo, supported by a substantial 14K email subscription base.
- With remarkable products, our business has generated a huge target audience, establishing itself as a trusted go-to choice for women who prioritize quality and style, both for themselves and others.
- This business offers a compelling combination of financial stability and potential for future growth. This business not only stands out for its profitable operations but also its distinctive niche, the niche is growing year after year and not planning to stop anytime soon.
- Due to our strong marketing strategies, the business has the right fundamentals with products & marketing to grow massively further from the stability we are currently experiencing.
- This business has successfully positioned itself as a trusted deliverer of hair and eyelash care products. As the new owner, you will be acquiring a business with a solid foundation, a reputable brand and a loyal and continually growing customer base.
- With this niche growing & the relatively small product catalogue, increasing marketing channels & budgets, working together with affiliates & focusing on B2B channels.
- Have a 4.9* review rating out of 5.
- We sell the products under our brand name and the products are sourced from 1 vendor with fulfilment centres in Australia and China.
- Promoter has 3.5 years of experience in the industry.
- We have a trade license.
- The sales have dropped as the advertising has become expensive and the rate of advertising has dropped.
- We do not require a large number of employees as we are only an online business.
Products & Services Overview
- Healthy & Beloved niche in this exceptional business opportunity.
- We provide cosmetics and beauty products through our website.
Assets Overview
Contracts (written or verbal) with customers and suppliers.
Customer databases - 18.5K Instagram followers.
Customer Email database - 14K Email subscribers.
Content, Images & Logos.
Advertising Accounts including Data (Facebook)
Influencer List.
Domain name.
Marketing materials.
Relevant email accounts.
Social media accounts (Instagram & Facebook)
Website files, source code and content.
E-Commerce platform accounts.
Review account with over 960 reviews 4.9* rating.
Dedicated Operations Manager & Marketing Manager.
Stock (To be calculated on closing date)
Facilities Overview
We are solely an online business and there is no physical space.
Capitalization Overview
Bootstrapped. There are no outstanding debts or loans. This business could be managed with a minimum amount of cash involved due to low overheads.
Recent Activity
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