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Enterprise Software Company for Sale in Gurgaon, India

SaaS company with cloud-based operational audit software for risk mitigation in various industries.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 9.5 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 10 thousand
EBITDA Margin Operating at loss
Industries Enterprise Software
Locations  Gurgaon
Local Time 10:15 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 60 thousand (Native Currency: INR 5,000,000)
Reason: This business has huge potential to grow but due to a lack of funds and a co-founder seeking another... View More
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Business Overview
- We recently launched a cloud based software for audit and assessment of operational health and thereafter tracking time-bound closure of gaps. The product is based on plan-do-check-act framework of operational excellence.
- Revenue model includes both payment per use model as well as outright purchase of application for on-premise hosting.
- The software business is hosted on AWS and is highly scalable.
- Founders have extensive experience in managing manufacturing, procurement and supply chain operations.
- One of the directors currently working on the Tech side of the operations is willing to continue working after the sale if compensatory requirements are met.
- Currently the business is operating at a loss due to the accounting for depreciation on the Investment, Research and development costs of the software.
Products & Services Overview
- Operational audit software for any kind of operation especially in risk-prone sectors like pharma, food & beverages, chemicals, oils & lubricants.
- Already 1 big pharma client and 2 logistics service provider on board.
- It is highly configurable for audit of any kind of operations, be it manufacturing, quality labs, warehousing, logistics, suppliers, retail channel processes.
Assets Overview
Intangible assets: - Complete product source code, access to AWS servers & infra machines or deployment on your server if desired, Infra and technical support for 6 months.
Facilities Overview
Virtual offices with no fixed cost, operating out of Gurgaon, Chandigarh, and Noida.
Capitalization Overview
The product is self funded by the founders. There are 4 shareholders with a ballpark split of 49, 32, 14, and 5. The company is debt-free.
Recent Activity
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