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Interior Design & Architecture Investment Opportunity in Melbourne, Australia

Interdisciplinary practice encompassing architecture, interiors, placemaking, wayfinding and experience design seeking investors.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 20-30 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 2.3 million
Run Rate Sales USD 3.26 million
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Interior Design & Architecture
Locations  Sydney + 1 more
Local Time 1:40 PM Australia / Melbourne
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 2.4 million for 45.0% stake (Native Currency: AUD 3,500,000)
Reason: Growth and business expansion through bigger projects.
Funding of merger/acquisition targets.
Includes physical assets worth USD 460 thousand
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Business Overview
Longstanding business of 20 years seeking investors to fund growth activities (solid long term growth strategy in place) in return for equity. Open to all types of deal structures and investments of various sizes.
Demonstrated organic growth in addition to recent growth by acquisition.
Solid recurrent client base and new business pipeline (50% government, 50% private client base). Further potential to be reached.
Registered architecture practice in both Victoria and NSW.
Successful acquisition last year of an additional Class 2 registered architecture firm in Sydney.
The current number of clients is approximately 80.
We have 98 currently active projects. This number can be up to 200 projects depending on the size of each project. We work on small to large-scale projects.
We work on both residential and commercial and have experience in both.
Duration of the project varies from 1 month to several years.
Business has 22 permanent employees and many additional part-time staff.
Company has all the required licenses and permissions in place.
Products & Services Overview
Professional services offered cover the areas of Architecture + Interiors, Placemaking + Wayfinding and Experience Design. Experience in the sectors of government, education, childcare, commercial, tourism, hospitality, and multi and single residential.
Assets Overview
Office furniture and fitout in Melbourne and Sydney, all operational computer equipment and software.
Facilities Overview
Recently fitted out studios in inner city Melbourne and Sydney. 2 x leased premises.
Capitalization Overview
Business funded by directors' loans and other short-term bank-funded loans.
The company has 4 Directors and 3 Shareholders (50%-45%-5%).
1 Shareholder is in transition to retirement. The remaining 2 shareholders serve as the current CEO + CFO of the business respectively.
Recent Activity
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