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Profitable Bag Retailer for Sale in Ingolstadt, Germany

Online leather bag business, sold through various online platforms, strong YoY growth based in Germany.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 330 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 330 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Bag Retailers + 1 more
Locations  Ingolstadt
Local Time 2:22 AM Europe / Berlin
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 400 thousand (Native Currency: EUR 380,000)
Reason: Business was started as a side hustle along with the main job. The turnover of the side hustle has ... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 138 thousand
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Business Overview
- Online leather bag business, based in Germany.
- Have our own registered brand.
- The company is currently registered as an e. K. registered in Ingolstadt, Germany.
-Sold on our official website and the following platforms - Amazon, OTTO, Etsy and Zalando throughout Europe, Switzerland, Great Britain and Turkey.
- We have more than 50 active products. Most of the products have 4.5 stars plus reviews.
- Sourced through a manufacturer in India.
- Average orders per month are 200 to 250 and the average order value is EUR 120.
- YoY growth of more than 20% since last 2 years, Avg profit margin per product is 25%, the business has an established supply chain and no debts.
- There is 1 permanent employee, which is the owner. The invoicing, billing and shipping are outsourced.
Products & Services Overview
Online leather bags - different variants of side and laptop bags.
Top selling are Triton and Creton variants.
Sold through online website and other E-commerce sites.
Assets Overview
Physical assets include an inventory of products,
Intangible assets include website domain and registered e-mail IDs.
Facilities Overview
Rented warehouse in Ingolstadt of 100 sq m.
Rent is EUR 1309 per month.
Capitalization Overview
The business is funded by personal savings.
No outstanding loans or liabilities.
The business is registered as a sole proprietorship.
Recent Activity
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