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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Navi Mumbai, India

Quick service restaurant serving Lucknowi food in Navi Mumbai seeks funds to setup Agra outlet.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Reported Sales USD 240 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 243 thousand
EBITDA Margin 5 %
Industries Restaurants
Locations  Navi Mumbai
Local Time 11:13 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 36 thousand for 33.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 3,000,000)
Reason: Needs funds to open a new outlet in Agra.
Includes physical assets worth USD 12 thousand
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Business Overview
- Awadhi quick service restaurant based in Navi Mumbai.
-Looking to expand in City of Taj -Agra for a Casual dining.
- We serve best Lucknowi food and we are one of the few.
Restaurants to offer Lucknowi food in quick service format.
- We are located in 3 locations - Seawoods Nexus mall, Kharghar and Pune.
- 60% revenue is from Direct sale and 40% is from Delivery.
- Business was started I 2019 and we have crossed 2cr sale in last FY Year for kharghar outlet.
- The founder is a chef with an extensive experience in restaurant designing & menu development and has worked in MasterChef India, Burj Al Arab, Taj Group. Founder is the youngest food stylist and food consultant in India.
- Business owns furniture, kitchen equipment, interiors and ordering website.
Products & Services Overview
We service Tundey kebab, Kakori kebab, Awadhi biryani, roomali rolls, Rotis, and desi Indian mocktails.
Assets Overview
Tangible- furniture and kitchen equipment.
Intangible- registration.
Facilities Overview
Facility with 1,100 sqft carpet area on a monthly rent of INR 1.5 lacs.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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