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Small Cafe for Sale in Hyderabad, India

For Sale: Fully operational franchisee cafe serving continental and Hungarian food through 2 brands.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 14.3 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 23.6 thousand
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Cafes + 1 more
Locations  Hyderabad
Local Time 10:10 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 20.3 thousand (Native Currency: INR 1,700,000)
Reason: The owner intends to move out of the country soon.
Includes physical assets worth USD 14.3 thousand
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Business Overview
- It is a recently established outlet and now attracting regular customers.
- The promotional activities, taste, and ambiance of the place are factors that attract customers.
- The customer rating on Google for the place is 4.8/5.
- We operate franchises of 2 brands from the same location (but there is one single franchisor for both brands).
- No royalty paid till now as we have not yet achieved net profit.
- 5% of sales needs to be paid as a royalty after being profitable.
Products & Services Overview
The continental menu includes pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, thick shakes, and cold coffee. We also serve Hungarian food Kurtosh or chimney cakes as they are popularly known.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include all kitchen machinery, and FF&E in running condition (only 8 months old)
Intangible assets - franchise agreement for 2 brands.
Facilities Overview
The total area of 750 sq ft includes the kitchen of 150 sq. ft. and the dining area is 600 sq. ft. The place is on lease rental.
The deposit of INR 8 lakh paid for the location is not included in the asking price. However, buyer can choose to continue in this same location.
Capitalization Overview
The business has zero loans and is fully funded by the present owner. The operating expenses are also met by the current owner.
Recent Activity
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