Director, Construction, Individual Buyer, Bhubaneswar, India
Individual Buyer in Bhubaneswar Looking to Buyout Industrial Businesses and Restaurants and Bars Upto INR 1 crore
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
Director of a construction business and I have 10 years of experience in the industry. Our company works on Govt contracts across Odisha and have a turnover in excess of Rs 60 Crores. We have more than 100 employees. I'm looking to make this investment / acquisition in my personal capacity.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeUpto 120 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
Potential restaurant business with seating capacity of any size. Open to acquiring startup companies as well. Other than F&B business I'm interested in a business that has upgraded technology and produce unique products.
Overall Rating
Local Time4:26 PM (Asia / Kolkata)
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 5 businesses
Received 10+ proposals
2 weeks, 1 day agoReceived a proposal from Innovative Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) for small and nano satellites seeks investment for expansion.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Company providing software for the analysis of political data and has collaborated with 42 politicians.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Pizzeria franchise near a popular mall with 16 seating capacity and 4,000+ loyal customers.