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Cosmetics Startup Investment Opportunity in Vilnius, Lithuania

Skincare startup, with experienced team, seeking investment to scale up.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 0-1 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Other
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales USD 80 thousand
EBITDA Margin 30 - 40 %
Industries Cosmetics + 1 more
Locations  Vilnius
Local Time 6:09 AM Europe / Vilnius
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 105 thousand for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: EUR 95,000)
Reason: - The team brings lots of experience in skincare, tech, and business scaling. - Our online skincare... View More
Interested to connect with advisors
Business Overview
The team consists of industry professionals, including experts in cosmetic chemistry, biotechnology, B2B beauty sales, and digital technologies. Having previously scaled another beauty brand and currently operating a successful online skincare shop. Metrics of our online shop:
• Monthly Visitors: Over 6,000+ visitors per month.
• Monthly Orders: An average of 240 monthly orders.
• Leads: A database of 3,000 leads.
Products & Services Overview
Skincare product range for people with problematic skin looking for effective solutions that resonates with their needs.
Assets Overview
Business does not have any physical assets at the moment.
Facilities Overview
Operating from home based office space in Vilnius.
Capitalization Overview
- Single owner business, who is also the only shareholder.
- No liability or debt in the business.
Recent Activity
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