Fruit Drinks Business for Sale in Delhi, India
Established | 5-10 year(s) |
Employees | 10 - 50 |
Legal Entity | Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) |
Reported Sales | USD 630 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 570 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 20 % |
Industries | Fruit Drinks |
Locations | Delhi |
Local Time | 9:10 AM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- Provide tetra packs of various sizes and flavors of fruit juices with a special product included in the manufacturing that makes our juices unique in the market.
- Have a contract with a reputed business who manufactures the juices for us as per the requirement of our clients.
- Procure the raw materials from vendors and have tie-ups with 3 suppliers for each product used in the manufacturing of the juices.
- We serve both B2B and B2C sectors and have a client base of 50+ in the B2B sector who we have served. A few of our clients are Air India, Spice Jet, and the Indian Navy.
- We sell our products directly to customers through our website, Amazon and BigBasket.
- On average we sell 3 lakh litres of juice in a month.
- Due to Covid, the business has seen a drop in revenue.
4 days, 13 hours agoDirector, IT Services, Dubai, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
1 week agoFounder & CEO, Pune, Financial Consultant connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysAnalyst, Manufacturers Of Printers, New Delhi, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business