Staffing Company for Sale in Mexico City, Mexico
Established | 10-20 year(s) |
Employees | 100 - 500 |
Legal Entity | Limited Liability Company (LLC) |
Reported Sales | USD 2 - 3 million |
Run Rate Sales | USD 2.4 million |
EBITDA Margin | 30 - 40 % |
Industries | Staffing + 1 more |
Locations | Mexico City |
Local Time | 10:29 PM America / Chicago |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- With over 50 clients in the USA and Mexico, the business serves a variety of industries such as retail, technology, and finance.
- In addition to software development, the company also provides IT staffing solutions to its clients on a contract/project basis.
- The revenue is evenly split between IT services and staffing solutions.
- The company's revenue model is diversified, with income generated from both IT projects and charging a percentage of candidates' total packages from clients for staffing.
- The promoter is primarily Mexico-based but he also manages the operations in USA.
- Front-end and backend and mobile development services.
- SAP, salesforce integrations, and e-commerce optimizations.
- Shopify implementation for SMB.
- Remote software developers' staff augmentation.
- UX / UI Services.
- Cybersecurity pen-testing.
Clients are in USA and Mexico, from a variety of industries such as retail, technology, and finance.
- Laptops.
Intangible assets include:
- Domains.
- Websites.
- Social Media accounts.
- Clients on Hubspot.
- Contracts with recurring clients in Mexico and US.
- Contracts with government in the US.
- Brand assets.
- Legal entities (US and Mexico)
However we have a rented wework office in Mexico City and other locations.
There are 2 shareholders in the business. One shareholder has 80% and the other has 20%
The business has $160,000 outstanding loans.
Earlier than 15 daysWe Have Multiple Buyers/Investors Interested In Acquiring IT /Tech Companies (Lower Middle Market), Atlanta, M&A Advisor connected with the Business