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Axpress BBQ 7.1 /10

2016 Estd  ·  1 Franchisee  ·  Durgapur HQ
This transaction has closed and is no longer available.
This Company is on a Premium Plan
All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
A Grade Cities USD 18 - 24 thousand USD 7.8 thousand 1,000 - 1,500 Sq Ft 10 USD 14.3 thousand 7% 10 percent of sale
Format Name A Grade Cities
Investment USD 18 - 24 thousand
Brand Fee USD 7.8 thousand
Space 1,000 - 1,500 Sq Ft
Staff 10
Expected Monthly Sales USD 14.3 thousand
Profit Margin 7%
Royalty / Commission 10 percent of sale
About Axpress BBQ
AxpressBBQ is a 1st of its kind in India where the barbecue concept has been designed in a QSR module and is based on pay as much as you can eat. AxpressBBQ started its first outlet in 2016 in Durgapur and added another outlet in middle of 2016. AxpressBBQ plans to expand its operation PAN India in coming years.
Founded by a Chef who has earlier worked in cruise lines of Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Mary II and Queen Victoria.
Products and Services
Barbeque Platters, Combos BBQ Based, Cold and Hot Beverages.
Preferred Locations
Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, India.
How to get Axpress BBQ Franchise?
Visit to the module location dicuss plan.
Agreement and then to move ahead.
What are some of the things we look for in a Franchisee?
Passion to Grow and Make It a Pan India Level Brand.
Support you can expect from the company
I need the regional requirement support rest I am there till execution.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 10+ introductions
  • 5000+ Page Views
  • 2000+ Investor Views

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