CEO, Digital Marketing, Corporate Acquirer, Hyderabad, India
Corporate Acquirer in Hyderabad Looking to Buyout Businesses Upto INR 40 lakh
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CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
Digital marketing company. looking for an expansion in other verticals.
Corporate ProfileDomain-Verification.pdf (213.1 KB)
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeBetween 11.5 thousand - 46 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
Good earning yield and a fair price.
Overall Rating
Local Time7:06 AM (Asia / Kolkata)
Sector PreferenceCoal Wholesale, Petroleum Product, Commodity Chemicals Wholesale, Agricultural Chemicals Wholesale, Specialty Chemicals Wholesale, Aluminium Wholesalers, Specialty Metal Wholesale, Timber Trading, Pulp & Paper Wholesale, Packaging Material Wholesale, Plastic Packaging, Aircraft Equipment Wholesale, Aerospace & Defense, Industrial Machinery Wholesale, Machine Shops, Heavy Machinery Wholesale, Electric Equipment Wholesale, Engineering, Procurement & Construction, HR Consulting, Job Portals, Consulting, Edutech, Automobile Wholesale, Automobile Manufacturing, Automobile Parts Wholesale, Automotive Accessories, Auto Component, Rubber Product Wholesale, Textiles Wholesale, Apparel Wholesale, Apparel and Accessories, Children Footwear, Footwear Wholesale, Footwear, Home Furnishings, Leisure Products Wholesale, Hotels, Cafes, Restaurants, Bars, Fast Food Restaurants, Gyms, Digital Publishing, Baby Stores, Men's Apparel Stores, Women's Apparel Stores, Apparel Stores, Computer Shops, Alcoholic Beverages, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Agriculture Wholesale, Food Processing, Chocolate and Confectionery, Tobacco, Household Products, Cosmetics, Hygiene Products, Playschools, Pharmacies, Food Wholesale, Real Estate Agencies, Advanced Medical Equipment Wholesale, Medical Equipment Wholesale, Clinics, Semiconductor Wholesale, Semiconductor Equipment Wholesalers, Office Supplies Wholesale, Computer Hardware, Consumer Electronics, IT Services, Mobile Apps, Software Companies, Ecommerce Websites, Web & Mobile Development, Hobby Classes, Beauty Salons, Spas, Energy, Industrial, Finance, Healthcare, Technology, Guest Houses, Sweet Shops, Supermarkets, Entertainment Centers, Online Marketplace, Building, Construction and Maintenance, Food & Beverage, Retail Shops, Education, Logistics, Media, Travel & Leisure, Textiles, Business Services, Take Aways, Waffle Stores, Cloud Kitchens
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 10+ businesses
Received 10+ proposals
1 week, 1 day agoReceived a proposal from Invest in a toy subscription-platform with an expected turnover of INR 10 crore this year.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Company that is on a mission to make wholesome nutrition accessible for individuals, seeks investment.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Well-established Arabian food restaurant with strong corporate audience earning around INR 15,000 per day.
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