Owner, Machinery, Individual Buyer, Rahuri, India
Individual Buyer in Rahuri Looking to Buyout Businesses Upto INR 20 lakh
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
Currently I'm having castrol oil & Grease distributorship.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeBetween 570 - 23 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
Any kind of business like, Retailware, showroom, Automobile, FMCG, Hotels.
Overall Rating
Local Time8:29 PM (Asia / Kolkata)
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 2 businesses
Received 10+ proposals
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Mumbai-based board games manufacturer seeks investment for product diversification and expansion.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from India’s first sustainable fashion brand using plant-based materials with an omnichannel presence & 50k+ customers.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Company involved in recycling and refurbishing old mobile phones with 750+ wholesalers, and 50,000+ retailers.