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Automobile Parts Wholesale Businesses Seeking Loan in Lucknow

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Automobile Parts Wholesale Businesses Seeking Loan in Lucknow. Lend to an Automobile Part Wholesale Business.

  • Automobile Parts Wholesale

  • Lucknow

  • Business Loan


Profitable Petroleum Product Business Seeking Loan in Lucknow, India

Retail and wholesale distribution of oils and batteries for automotives, seeking funding for inventory expansion.
The business is primarily involved in the retail and wholesale distribution of oils and batteries for automotives. -Products are procured directly from manufacturers based in Delhi, ensuring a direct and efficient supply chain. - The business operates in both business-to-consumer (B2C) through retail stores and business-to-business (B2B) segments through wholesale distribution, with equal revenue shares. - Boasts a diverse customer base, with over 100 customers comprising both individual retail consumers and wholesale clients. - Receives a steady flow of daily orders, with the capacity to fulfil up to 10 orders per day. - Business has GST and ITR registrations.
5.8   Lucknow
Run Rate Sales
USD 42 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business Loan
USD 5.9 K at 10%
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Profitable Automobile Parts Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Lucknow, India

Authorized vendor for auto parts supplies supplying to 7 clients seeks a loan.
Started operations in the last month of last year. - Super stockist for FB axle-only axle manufacturing company for Tata Winger. - We have orders in hand worth INR 5 crores. - Currently supplying to 8 clients in total. - Most selling product is FB gold axles. We sell 900 pieces monthly. - We buy the products from 5 distributors from Delhi and Lucknow and sell them at a margin of 40%.
6.8   Lucknow
Run Rate Sales
USD 212 thousand
40 %
Business Loan
USD 177 K at 10%
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Profitable Automobile Parts Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Lucknow, India

Authorized vendor for auto parts supplies supplying to 7 clients seeks a loan.
Started operations in the last month of last year. - Super stockist for FB axle-only axle manufacturing company for Tata Winger. - We have orders in hand worth INR 5 crores. - Currently supplying to 8 clients in total. - Most selling product is FB gold axles. We sell 900 pieces monthly. - We buy the products from 5 distributors from Delhi and Lucknow and sell them at a margin of 40%.
6.8   Lucknow
Run Rate Sales
USD 212 thousand
40 %
Business Loan
USD 177 K at 10%
Contact Business
  • How many automobile parts wholesale businesses seeking loan in Lucknow are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified automobile parts wholesale businesses seeking loan in Lucknow listed on SMERGERS as of 15 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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