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Baby Stores for Sale in Athens

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Baby Stores for Sale in Athens. Buy a Baby Store, Child Clothing Store, Kid Wear Shop or a Babycare Store. Listed by Business Brokers & Direct Business Owners.
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  • Athens

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Toys & Games Business for Sale in Athens, Greece

Company distributes quality toys, games, and products for children in Greece & Cyprus for sale.
Our company distributes a broad range of quality toys and children's products. The products are imported from various suppliers in Europe, allowing a constant flow of uninterrupted imports without much additional costs. - We also manufacture products under our registered brand. There products are also distributed in Greece and Cyprus, and we have also started to distribute them in other countries as well. - Our clients are typically independent toy shops, infant clothing stores, baby stores, gift shops, tourist shops, etc. - The company possesses excellent business tools that allow a solid workflow and has maintained a very good reputation in the market while maintaining excellent business relationships. We also send out weekly newsletters via emails to over 2,500 customers to update them about the latest products in our inventory. - The company is entirely debt-free with no outstanding business loans or defaults. - This transaction includes the entire business entity, registered own brand, customer database, source code of the website, relevant licenses, newsletter & marketing platform, B2B platform, along with all the physical assets.
Company distributes quality toys, games, and products for children in Greece & Cyprus for sale.
9.2   Athens
Run Rate Sales
USD 187 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 300 K
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Toys & Games Business for Sale in Athens, Greece

Company distributes quality toys, games, and products for children in Greece & Cyprus for sale.
Our company distributes a broad range of quality toys and children's products. The products are imported from various suppliers in Europe, allowing a constant flow of uninterrupted imports without much additional costs. - We also manufacture products under our registered brand. There products are also distributed in Greece and Cyprus, and we have also started to distribute them in other countries as well. - Our clients are typically independent toy shops, infant clothing stores, baby stores, gift shops, tourist shops, etc. - The company possesses excellent business tools that allow a solid workflow and has maintained a very good reputation in the market while maintaining excellent business relationships. We also send out weekly newsletters via emails to over 2,500 customers to update them about the latest products in our inventory. - The company is entirely debt-free with no outstanding business loans or defaults. - This transaction includes the entire business entity, registered own brand, customer database, source code of the website, relevant licenses, newsletter & marketing platform, B2B platform, along with all the physical assets.
Company distributes quality toys, games, and products for children in Greece & Cyprus for sale.
9.2   Athens
Run Rate Sales
USD 187 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 300 K
Contact Business
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