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Building Maintenance Businesses for Sale in Gurgaon

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Building Maintenance Businesses for Sale in Gurgaon. Buy a Building Maintenance, Home Improvement, General Maintenance, Fabricator, Interior Design & Architecture, Locksmith, Manpower Supply, Handyman Service, Pest Control, Flooring Contractor, Roofing Contractor, Fire Protection, Specialized Cleaning, Painting, Facility Management, Plumbing, Carpentry, Mechanical Service, Electrical Service, Building Inspection, Landscaping, Maid Service or a Manpower Security Business.

  • Building Maintenance

  • Gurgaon

  • Businesses For Sale


Manpower Security Company for Sale in Gurgaon, India

Gurgaon based company providing man power services to a wide range of industries.
Gurgaon based company providing man power services like security guards, housekeeping services. - Till now we have provided more than 100 personnel to different companies from sectors like hotels, construction companies, power plants. - Some of our clientele includes Park Plaza, Crompton Greaves. - We advertise through distributing flyers and pamphlets. Word of mouth too has helped us gain business. - Promoter has more than a decade of industry experience.
6.8   Gurgaon
Run Rate Sales
USD 71 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 71 K
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Profitable Pest Control Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

Providing complete pest control services to residential and commercial clients in Delhi NCR.
Our business is successfully running since the last 28 years in Delhi NCR. - We provide complete pest control services for residential and commercial clients. - We undertake projects from housing colonies, restaurants, food manufacturing unit, hotels and residential clients. - Have about 30 fixed clients and we do about 80-90 jobs per month. - We also providing floor polishing services to 2 - 3 hotels. - Due to the current situation our sales have fallen but our average monthly revenue prior to this was INR 12 lakhs.
8   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 100 thousand
35 %
Business for Sale
USD 295 K
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Profitable Pest Control Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

Providing complete pest control services to residential and commercial clients in Delhi NCR.
Our business is successfully running since the last 28 years in Delhi NCR. - We provide complete pest control services for residential and commercial clients. - We undertake projects from housing colonies, restaurants, food manufacturing unit, hotels and residential clients. - Have about 30 fixed clients and we do about 80-90 jobs per month. - We also providing floor polishing services to 2 - 3 hotels. - Due to the current situation our sales have fallen but our average monthly revenue prior to this was INR 12 lakhs.
8   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 100 thousand
35 %
Business for Sale
USD 295 K
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  • How many building maintenance businesses for sale in Gurgaon are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified building maintenance businesses for sale in Gurgaon listed on SMERGERS as of 14 December 2024.
  • What level of due diligence does SMERGERS conduct on the businesses/member?

    SMERGERS scrutinizes all profiles and only features a select group of businesses, investors, advisors that meet a basic requirement. When required, certain members may have submitted some form of proof …read more

  • How active are the business profiles listed on SMERGERS?

    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

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    We understand the level of confidentiality required in strategic transactions and we strive to provide a safe and secure experience for our members. Please review our privacy policy. We …read more

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    You need to be logged in before you connect with a business. Click here to register and message the business If you are already logged in, please use the contact …read more

  • Should you buy an existing business or start a business from scratch?

    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

  • How successful has SMERGERS been in helping its users successfully close a deal?

    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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