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Analytics Software Company for Sale in Perth, Australia

Company focuses on safety in the energy sector and disaster prevention through simulators for sale.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 180 thousand
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Analytics Software
Locations  Perth
Local Time 9:39 PM Australia / Darwin
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 720 thousand (Native Currency: AUD 1,050,000)
Reason: The owners are divesting from the business to prepare for a family and international relocation.
Interested to connect with advisors
Business Overview
- The company was established in 2018.
- Revenue has been generated from consulting in the oil and gas industry as well as software distribution of simulators with various clients.
- Low overhead business with capabilities to attain profit margins of 95% plus.
- Simulator is the only commercially available software package in this space globally. The buyer will be the first to market.
- Industry pressure to ensure emergency systems are simulated correctly is increasingly mandated by regulators, and will only become more difficult to comply with without the use of simulators.
- Limited competition due to high barrier to entry (>3 years of full-time development cost and intellectual property).
- Cost to scale globally is very low with a high likelihood to become the industry standard for emergency system simulation.
- The founders are willing to accommodate an extended handover period.
- Strong potential for vertical integration with existing oil and gas companies and software providers.
- The business operations are stalled for now and that is the sole reason behind no revenues this year.
- A completely liabilities-free company fully owned by the profile's user.
Products & Services Overview
The company offers consulting in the oil and gas industry as well as software distribution of simulators with various clients.
Assets Overview
- The acquisition includes a transfer of all of the business' IP, professional networks, and global contracts to the buyer.
- Support from the Founders for business continuity and global scaling of the simulator is possible depending on the agreed terms and conditions. This arrangement could include, but is not limited to:
- 24/7 technical support.
- Technical training on the simulator.
- Marketing and sales support.
- Product demonstrations to clients.
- Presentations to local and international regulators/governments.
- Minor software upgrades.
- System assessment and technical report development.
- The business just has software valued at around AUD 1.05 million in the form of intangible assets.
Facilities Overview
Our simulator is software and does not require physical offices for distribution.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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