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Edutech Startup Seeking Loan in Amravati, India

Start-up seeking funds to develop an edutech platform for zilla parishad schools run under Maharashtra government.

Established 0-1 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Other
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Edutech
Locations  Amravati
Local Time 12:43 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 30 thousand for 15.0% annual interest, 2 years (Native Currency: INR 2,500,000)
Reason: Funds will be used to finish the mobile app development and start the pilot study.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Business Overview

- Start-up that plans to develop an app based edutech platform with the aim to organize & provide technological support to ZP schools (Zilla Parishad schools) in Maharashtra.

- Our mobile app will provide the following benefits:

1. Direct Communication: The teachers at zilla parishad schools can communicate directly with district education officers to request for any resource they need at the school or if the facility needs certain improvement.

2. Academic Support: Due to shortage of teachers, we will record classroom session of every subject and play the recorded videos in other classrooms. All the zilla parishad schools have LED projectors in the classroom so we won't have to set-up new projectors.

3. Coding platform: We will create basic programming / coding courses for students which they can access & learn via mobile app.

4. Data Transfer: We will send 50+ data points of each school to the government on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. The data points will include daily attendance, daily food distribution details, fund allocation information.

- We have already reached out to the concerned department (Mukhya Karyakari Adhikari) and have received a confirmation to start the pilot project. We have also build a good relationship with them to proceed with this project.

- We have developed 20% of the mobile app and require funds to finish the app and start the pilot study.

- For the pilot study, we will implement our app in 2-3 schools in Akola district.

- Founder has 4 years of experience in this industry and he also runs an IT & digital marketing company.

- We are developing the mobile app in-house with 10 staff from our IT & digital marketing company.

- Once the app is ready for launch, we will target all the zilla parishad schools in Akola district and then Nagpur district.

- Revenue model: We will work with the government and receive payment per school.

- After raising funds, we will also register a new entity for our edutech start-up.

Products & Services Overview

Mobile app based edutech platform with the following features:

1. Direct Communication: Between teachers and district education officers.

2. Academic Support: Record classroom sessions and play it in other classrooms.

3. Coding Platform: Courses related to basic programming / coding.

4. Data Transfer: Regular transfer of 50+ data points of each school to the government.

Assets Overview

Business does not own any assets at the moment.

Facilities Overview

We do not have an office for our start-up. Our in-house team operates from our IT & digital marketing company's office of 450 sq ft which is on rent.

Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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