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Gym for Sale in Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Established premium ladies fitness center in Dammam with diversified revenue streams and strong brand presence.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 470 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 470 thousand
EBITDA Margin 20 %
Industries Gyms
Locations  Dammam
Local Time 10:39 AM Asia / Riyadh
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 240 thousand (Native Currency: SAR 900,000)
Reason: Owner is currently focusing on other ventures, and exploring the possibility of selling the business... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 240 thousand
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Business Overview
- Thriving premium ladies fitness center located in Dammam.
- Situated in a prime location and benefiting from high foot traffic and easy accessibility, which enhances its attractiveness to potential customers.
- The business generates revenue through multiple streams, including membership subscriptions, personal training services, retail and merchandise sales, as well as partnerships and collaborations, providing a diversified income base.
- The fitness center offers a range of services such as indoor cycling, re-axing, cardio & strength, and boxing.
- Major revenue source is through memberships. Memberships range from 1 month to 12 months, with a fee ranging from SAR 1,099 to 5,999.
- The business has established a strong brand presence within the local community and on social media platforms, supported by positive reviews and robust social metrics, which can potentially drive customer acquisition and retention.
- Has a strong membership base that serves as a cornerstone for profitability and provides significant potential for future growth and expansion.
- The fitness center boasts state-of-the-art equipment and a wide range of classes, offering an extensive array of facilities and services.
- There are 6 permanent employees. additional part-time employees are hired based on season and demand.
Products & Services Overview
Revenue Streams include:
- Membership subscriptions.
- Personal training services.
- Retail and merchandise.
- Partnership and collaborations.
Services include: indoor cycling, re-axing, cardio & strength, boxing etc.
Majority of revenue is through memberships.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include more than 30 strength and cardio machines, fitness accessories, re-axing studio, office furniture and set-up, sound system, 13 HVAC and ventilation units and system, and laundry machines.
Intangible assets include website, branded app, customer database, and business know-how (SOPs).
Facilities Overview
Ground and mezzanine level gym in a commercial/office building, located in Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad Branch Rd, Dammam.
Total area ~ 750 sqm.
Total rent of ~ SAR 385,000/year.
Capitalization Overview
- The business is self-funded and operates with sole ownership.
- The growth of the business has been purely organic with no loans to support it.
Recent Activity
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