Marine Passenger Transport Business Investment Opportunity in Malé, Maldives
Established | 1-5 year(s) |
Employees | 2 - 5 |
Legal Entity | Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader |
Reported Sales | Nil |
Run Rate Sales | Nil |
EBITDA Margin | Nil |
Industries | Marine Passenger Transport |
Locations | Malé |
Local Time | 6:30 AM Indian / Maldives |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- We have secured funding from a bank in the Maldives to purchase a speed ferry and operate speed ferry services between the islands in Maldives (proof of funding approval from the bank can be shared with the right investor)
- Expect to generate MVR 5 million annual revenue from 1st year.
- Our main customers will be tourists, travelers, localities and daily commuters.
- Bank is ready to lend he money to purchase the ferry and we need this investment as bank security.
1) Inter-island to transfers.
The launch will be used to provide island-to-island transportation for locals. When locals would request transportation the launch management team will find the most convenient way for the locals to transport. This is because sometimes it is very difficult for a single person to hire the launch just to reach a certain location. Therefore, in these cases, the service provider will find others to join for the trip which will reduce the price significantly. Furthermore, island-to-island transportation will also be provided whenever the guest house on that specific island where the launch will be requested.
2) Private hire trips.
To provide a wide range of trips tailored to customer needs. Our launch will be able for private hire with our captain and crew. Our pricing for hire will be competitive and based on the market price. With this service, locals and guests can explore the islands and sea or travel in groups that will only be their friends and families. In these types of trips, the payments must be settled before the trip takes place.
3) Scheduled ferry transfer.
Sometimes ferry services that provide scheduled transportation face challenges as their vessels go for maintenance. During these times, our launch will be available for hire. We will ensure we are able to provide the service to the locals who would need to travel to the capital or from island to island. Mostly, this request will come from an island council which we will honor to provide a service to the Maldives and to ensure the transportation flow is not affected.
4) Provide excursion trips.
Upon the request of many tourism service providers and since we are experts in the Maldives sea transportation. We have built a bridge network that trusts us to transport the tourists whether they are locals or tourists from one place to another safely.
60-passenger speedboat ferry proposed to purchase from this loan facility approved.
A bank in the Maldives had approved 4 million MVR as start-up funding.
Earlier than 15 daysManager, Maritime, Monaco-Ville, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysPresident, Residential Apartment Services, Tokyo, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, Transport And General Logistics, London, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business