Newly Established Men's Apparel Store Seeking Loan in Basti, India
Established | 0-1 year(s) |
Employees | < 2 |
Legal Entity | Private Limited Company |
Reported Sales | Nil |
Run Rate Sales | USD 1.43 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 26 % |
Industries | Men's Apparel Stores |
Locations | Basti |
Local Time | 5:47 AM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- The business currently has one employee who is also the owner.
- Seeking working capital for both online and offline operations.
- Business sells its own branded apparel through online platforms, as well as through a retail store at its location in Basti.
- The business is registered under the Startup India initiative.
- The production process involves the use of a third-party manufacturer for the apparel.
- The business sells its products through popular online platforms such as Jiomart and Meesho.
- On average, the business receives approximately 5 orders daily, with fluctuations in the order volume.
- In addition to online sales, the business has a retail store at its location, enabling direct sales to customers.
No loan or liability.
Earlier than 15 daysFounder, Biotechnology, Binghamton, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business