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Profitable Web & Mobile Development Company Investment Opportunity in London, United Kingdom

Web & mobile development services business seeks investors to expand its team of developers.

Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 30 - 40 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 40 thousand
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Web & Mobile Development
Locations  London
Local Time 7:05 AM Europe / Stockholm
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 98 thousand for 10.0% stake (Native Currency: SEK 1,000,000)
Reason: Need to hire 2 developers to update our mobile apps to increase the revenue.
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Business Overview
- Development services company empowering the digital world for its clients.
- We build Reactive and native apps for iOS and Android.
- What makes us unique is that we combine creativity, innovation, and technology to bring the client's brand to life & enhance their digital presence.
- The timeframe of development can vary, but typically it is between 5-40+ weeks.
- We specialize in developing mobile applications that are our top-selling and most profitable service.
- Our unique approach and experience allow us to provide the best solutions for our clients.
7. We have a dedicated team of 5 developers to ensure our clients a high-quality product.
Products & Services Overview
Mobile applications are the top selling and most profitable to our company.
We also offer:
- Web solutions and services.
- Marketplace services.
Assets Overview
Intangible assets include source codes, backends, APIs, tech, movies, and graphics.
The intangibles are valued at SEK 30 million.
Facilities Overview
All data is on hard drives. Our online servers are with GoDaddy. It does not require a physical office and the company is registered in London. The owner of the company is in Sweden.
Capitalization Overview
Funded by the owner and through earnings. A Kuwaiti app also funded us with USD 60,000.
Recent Activity
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