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Women's Apparel Store for Sale in Bangalore, India

For sale: Manufacturers of handloom sarees with retail and online shop having 50 customers monthly.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Reported Sales USD 20 - 30 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 27.7 thousand
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Women's Apparel Stores
Locations  Bangalore
Local Time 8:32 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 29 thousand (Native Currency: INR 2,500,000)
Reason: The owner is planning to retire.
Includes physical assets worth USD 29 thousand
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Business Overview
- Social impact venture established in 2018, that is focused on enabling sustainable livelihoods for occupational communities in the informal sector.
- We have access to over 5,000 direct members and several thousand more indirectly across the textile value chain, from yarn producers to weavers to traders.
- The occupational network offers a physical and digital platform for producer communities to exchange ideas and information, goods and services, and livelihood opportunities.
- We also have our own manufacturing unit with a manufacturing capacity of 120 sarees a month.
- Along with internal commerce in goods and services within the communities, the enterprise also provides market access through its online shopfront.
- Our channel of sales is both through the retail shop where customers have to take an appointment to visit and through our own online platform.
- The company generates 50% of sales from the retail sale of sarees and 50% from online orders.
- The next phase of growth for the enterprise is through an integrated tech platform that overcomes the limitations of WhatsApp and provides robust communication and commerce for the communities.
- The company has 2 partners with 99% and 1% partnership and has no debts or liabilities.
Products & Services Overview
Manufacturers of handloom sarees and sale through own retail shop and online platform.
Assets Overview
Tangible- Saree inventory worth INR 20 lakhs and looms.
Intangible- brand, registration, and goodwill.
Facilities Overview
- Retail facility 4,050 sq ft plot with approx 1800 sq ft built up which is not part of the transaction. If the buyer is interested to buy the plot as well, the valuation of the plot is INR 12 crores.
- 2 weaving units with an area of 1,500 sq ft having 6 looms and 1,000 sq ft having 12 looms. The rent of INR 12,000/- is being paid only for 1 unit whereas the other unit is on a free basis.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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