Women's Apparel Store for Sale in Bangalore, India
Established | 5-10 year(s) |
Employees | 5 - 10 |
Legal Entity | Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) |
Reported Sales | USD 20 - 30 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 27.7 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 40 % |
Industries | Women's Apparel Stores |
Locations | Bangalore |
Local Time | 8:32 AM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- We have access to over 5,000 direct members and several thousand more indirectly across the textile value chain, from yarn producers to weavers to traders.
- The occupational network offers a physical and digital platform for producer communities to exchange ideas and information, goods and services, and livelihood opportunities.
- We also have our own manufacturing unit with a manufacturing capacity of 120 sarees a month.
- Along with internal commerce in goods and services within the communities, the enterprise also provides market access through its online shopfront.
- Our channel of sales is both through the retail shop where customers have to take an appointment to visit and through our own online platform.
- The company generates 50% of sales from the retail sale of sarees and 50% from online orders.
- The next phase of growth for the enterprise is through an integrated tech platform that overcomes the limitations of WhatsApp and provides robust communication and commerce for the communities.
- The company has 2 partners with 99% and 1% partnership and has no debts or liabilities.
Intangible- brand, registration, and goodwill.
- 2 weaving units with an area of 1,500 sq ft having 6 looms and 1,000 sq ft having 12 looms. The rent of INR 12,000/- is being paid only for 1 unit whereas the other unit is on a free basis.
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, Apparel Manufacturer, Bangalore, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysIndividual, Investor, Bangalore, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysCEO, Mumbai, Financial Consultant connected with the Business