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Cafes for Sale in Abu Dhabi

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Cafes for Sale in Abu Dhabi. Buy a Cafe, Coffee Shop, Tea Room, Cafeterium or a Burger Joint.

  • Cafes

  • Abu Dhabi

  • Businesses For Sale


Cafe for Sale in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

One of the well-established cafes in Abu Dhabi, selling products for locals.
We receive around 10-15 orders daily. - Registered on Talabat, Deliveroo, and Noon for delivery of the food. - We buy the raw materials from good registered suppliers only. - The chef has 3 years of experience. - Possess Municipality license, and food department license.
One of the well-established cafes in Abu Dhabi, selling products for locals.
5.9   Abu Dhabi
Run Rate Sales
USD 163 thousand
12 %
Business for Sale
USD 82 K
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Cafe for Sale in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Boutique cafe serving multi-cuisine dishes and signature beverages in a prime location in Abu Dhabi.
Boutique cafe based in Abu Dhabi that has always received satisfactory ratings from the Food Control Authority during various surprise checks and inspections. - Located in one of the most popular corporate districts of Abu Dhabi, its main client base is made up of corporate clients, along with many families from a number of villa condos in the vicinity of the cafe to enjoy a fine dining experience. - Cafe is facing open internal driveways and is adjacent to the main road, has great visibility and is directly accessible from several parking lots, giving customers easy access to the cafe. - The current seating capacity of this contemporary cafe is 12 seats with a further possibility of a lovely outdoor seating with a capacity of up to 12-15 additional seats. - On an average we receive 35-40 customers per day. - All preparations within the premises are made from quality ingredients and in clean facilities complying with all the legal requirements of the relevant regulations in the country. - Our quality, taste and service have been highly praised by the customers for both delivery and dining. - We are also registered on Talabat and Zomato for online ordering and delivery. - Our assets include kitchen equipment, furniture, interior, food ingredients, and customer database.
Boutique cafe serving multi-cuisine dishes and signature beverages in a prime location in Abu Dhabi.
7.5   Abu Dhabi
Run Rate Sales
USD 114 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 123 K
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Cafe for Sale in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Boutique cafe serving multi-cuisine dishes and signature beverages in a prime location in Abu Dhabi.
Boutique cafe based in Abu Dhabi that has always received satisfactory ratings from the Food Control Authority during various surprise checks and inspections. - Located in one of the most popular corporate districts of Abu Dhabi, its main client base is made up of corporate clients, along with many families from a number of villa condos in the vicinity of the cafe to enjoy a fine dining experience. - Cafe is facing open internal driveways and is adjacent to the main road, has great visibility and is directly accessible from several parking lots, giving customers easy access to the cafe. - The current seating capacity of this contemporary cafe is 12 seats with a further possibility of a lovely outdoor seating with a capacity of up to 12-15 additional seats. - On an average we receive 35-40 customers per day. - All preparations within the premises are made from quality ingredients and in clean facilities complying with all the legal requirements of the relevant regulations in the country. - Our quality, taste and service have been highly praised by the customers for both delivery and dining. - We are also registered on Talabat and Zomato for online ordering and delivery. - Our assets include kitchen equipment, furniture, interior, food ingredients, and customer database.
Boutique cafe serving multi-cuisine dishes and signature beverages in a prime location in Abu Dhabi.
7.5   Abu Dhabi
Run Rate Sales
USD 114 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 123 K
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  • How many cafes for sale in Abu Dhabi are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified cafes for sale in Abu Dhabi listed on SMERGERS as of 12 December 2024.
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