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Flour Mill Investment Opportunities in Gurgaon

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Flour Mill Investment Opportunities in Gurgaon. Invest in a Flour Mill.

  • Flour Mills

  • Gurgaon

  • Investment Opportunities


Flour Mill Investment Opportunity in Gurgaon, India

Debt-free company that manufactures wheat products with premium packaging seeks growth funding.
• Already in the top 2 brands in our existing market within a month, making the consumers prefer us over existing and established brands with a 78% repeat rate. Sold more than (1,100 tons) of 150,000+ Packs within 6 months of launch. • Impeccable network of 3,500+ distributors and retailers across Delhi NCR 14 locations and growing. • 10 products category with 40+ variants. • Works on single-breed isolation technology. • 2 contractual manufacturing plants in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan and upcoming in Nasik now. • Exemplary packaging appealing to all class customers including Gen Z big time. • Zero burn as our marketing is more direct which is much more impactful in gaining loyal customers. • Soft commitments - Rs 1 Cr by Soonicorn Ventures. • Customized variety of packaging options helping the wholesale and retail customers to test the product and buy again in bulk. • Within 6 months of launch post first round: - Annualized GMV – Rs 18 • GM/NM- Positive. - 1.5 lakhs+ packs sold-1,100+tons. - Marketing spend – almost zero %. - Last 4 weeks- 42X growth. - Attained top 2 positions within the markets they operate. - Next expansions Western UP, Down south. - International Market Exports (Starting this Diwali) – UK, US, and Mauritius.
9.8   Gurgaon
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.15 million
5 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 360 K for 10%
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Flour Mill Investment Opportunity in Gurgaon, India

Debt-free company that manufactures wheat products with premium packaging seeks growth funding.
• Already in the top 2 brands in our existing market within a month, making the consumers prefer us over existing and established brands with a 78% repeat rate. Sold more than (1,100 tons) of 150,000+ Packs within 6 months of launch. • Impeccable network of 3,500+ distributors and retailers across Delhi NCR 14 locations and growing. • 10 products category with 40+ variants. • Works on single-breed isolation technology. • 2 contractual manufacturing plants in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan and upcoming in Nasik now. • Exemplary packaging appealing to all class customers including Gen Z big time. • Zero burn as our marketing is more direct which is much more impactful in gaining loyal customers. • Soft commitments - Rs 1 Cr by Soonicorn Ventures. • Customized variety of packaging options helping the wholesale and retail customers to test the product and buy again in bulk. • Within 6 months of launch post first round: - Annualized GMV – Rs 18 • GM/NM- Positive. - 1.5 lakhs+ packs sold-1,100+tons. - Marketing spend – almost zero %. - Last 4 weeks- 42X growth. - Attained top 2 positions within the markets they operate. - Next expansions Western UP, Down south. - International Market Exports (Starting this Diwali) – UK, US, and Mauritius.
9.8   Gurgaon
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.15 million
5 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 360 K for 10%
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