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Urbanista India 8 /10

2010 Estd  ·  30000 Distributors  ·  Stockholm HQ
This Company is on a Premium Plan
All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
Brand Distributor (Consumer Electronic, IT/Office Supply/ Corporate Sales) USD 30 - 119 thousand USD 1.2 thousand 500 - 1,000 Sq Ft 5 USD 30 thousand 20% No royalty & no commission
Format Name Brand Distributor (Consumer Electronic, IT/Office Supply/ Corporate Sales)
Investment USD 30 - 119 thousand
Brand Fee USD 1.2 thousand
Space 500 - 1,000 Sq Ft
Staff 5
Expected Monthly Sales USD 30 thousand
Profit Margin 20%
Royalty / Commission No royalty & no commission
About Urbanista India
-Urbanista AB is one of the fastest-growing global retail consumer audio brands that offer premium wireless headphones, noise-canceling headphones, gaming earphones, premium true wireless TWS earphones, and bluetooth speakers.
-Latest in our bucket is the sustainable headphones, i. e. world's 1st and only solar-powered headphones with unlimited playtime called 'Urbanista Los Angeles', making a rage in the headphone universe in the world.
-We are headquartered in Sweden and are present in 90+ countries with 30,000+ premium store counters across the world.
- Brand distributorship of Urbanista available on city/state/ regional basis. We are looking for premium partners in the following categories:
-Channel distributor partner on city/ state/ regional all over India.
-Corporate distributor partner all over India.
-B2B/Enterprise sales partner.
-We are also looking for someone who can handle modern retail chain business LFR (large format retail-like CROMA etc) and MBO for all over India.
-Franchise option (only on luxury retail market/segment)
-There is also an opportunity for any investor who wishes to start a new retail business in India.
-We welcome you all to the world premium audio retail industry, where the Indian wearable audio business currently stands at USD 11 billion, growing at 8% p. a, even during pandemic days.
-We are only looking for long-term dedicated partners!
Products and Services
Urbanista India has 50+ SKUs of premium wireless earphones, earphones, wireless headphones & bluetooth speakers depending on various colours, specs, and application options.
Preferred Locations
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka.
How to get Urbanista India Distributorship?
- Connect with us through SMERGERS.
- Submit your company profile (with annual revenue, total employees, and cities of operation)
- Submit brief work history of your company management.
- Submit sales plan for the current year.
- Session with the India Head.
What are some of the things we look for in a Distributor?
- Dedication to building a brand for a lifetime.
- Long-term association.
- Catering to premium/ luxury segment (right mindset at least)
- Attentive in the delivery timeline and payment terms.
Support you can expect from the company
- Marketing support shall be given in terms of POS materials, organizing retail events, conferences/ seminars, etc.
- Product training shall be given.
- After-sales support shall be given.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 10+ introductions
  • 1000+ Page Views
  • 600+ Investor Views

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Contact Urbanista India
One Time Registration
17 Investors already contacted this Franchise. Register below to connect now!
Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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    • When was Urbanista India established?
      Urbanista India was established in 2010 in Stockholm and is reported to have 30000 Distributors currently
    • What is the investment required to take up Urbanista India Distributor?
      Investment required ranges from INR 25 lakh - 1 crore depending on the format offered.
    • What is the space requirement for taking up Urbanista India Distributor?
      Space required ranges from 500 - 1000 sq ft depending on the format.
    • What Distributor formats does Urbanista India offer?
      Urbanista India offers 1 format, i.e Brand Distributor (Consumer Electronic, IT/Office Supply/ Corporate Sales).
    • How to get Urbanista India Distributor?
      - Connect with us through SMERGERS. - Submit your company profile (with annual revenue, total employees, and cities of operation) - Submit brief work history of your company management. - Submit sales plan for the current year. - Session with the India Head.
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