Owner, Electrical Appliances, Individual Buyer, Bangalore, India
Individual Buyer in Bangalore Looking to Buyout Semiprecious Gem Stone and Granite & Marble Businesses Upto INR 50 lakh
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
I use to own an electrical appliances company. I am now the founder of a renowned stone company with a strong focus on quality and innovation, boasting over 20 years of industry expertise, I actively seek viable investment opportunities to diversify my portfolio and expand my industry presence. As an industry specialist, I am eager to explore potential partnerships and acquisitions to drive our synergistic growth and further establish my firm at the forefront of development and structural integration within new sectors.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeUpto 58 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
Ethical practices, investments, owners, cash flows, growth potential and industry. The business should be in Hyderabad and Bangalore, as I have good connections in these locations.
Overall Rating
Local Time7:03 AM (Asia / Kolkata)
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 2 businesses
Received 6 proposals
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