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Restaurant Investment Opportunities in Chennai

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Restaurant Investment Opportunities in Chennai. Invest in a Restaurant, Fine Dine Restaurant or a Casual Restaurant.

  • Restaurants

  • Chennai

  • Investment Opportunities


Newly Established Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Traditional south Indian home style veg and non veg restaurant (Mess)
All ingredients like masalas are from our own home made. Oil are from our traditional chekku oil. Planning to open up two or three more branches in Chennai as the second phase.
8.7   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 86 thousand
20 - 30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 14.3 K for 50%
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Bakery Products Business Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

F&B brand with restaurants, foodcourt, e-commerce, bakery, and food subscription.
The company currently owns: - A small bakery production unit with a capacity of making 300 cakes/day, 1,000 cookies/day, and other bakery items like cheesecake, croissants, and pastries. We manufacture for multiple brands as per their requirement. - A resto café with 28 guest seating capacity serving continental foods, hi-protein & keto diets, espresso coffee, mocktails & bakery items. We receive 40-50 daily walk-ins. - A food court in a top medical college in Chennai. We have seen tremendous growth in revenue when compared to the previous year. Our restaurant & bakery is getting high visibility in the city due to our rich taste and high-quality food. The revenue generated from each vertical is currently equal.
F&B brand with restaurants, foodcourt, e-commerce, bakery, and food subscription.
8.4   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 260 thousand
25 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 95 K for 40%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Multi-cuisine restaurant constructed on 5,000 sq. ft. open garden space in Chennai is seeking equity.
This is a restaurant that is located in Pallavaram Radial Road just 900 meters away from Embassy IT park in Chennai. - We have a seating capacity of 30 pax for AC dining, 36 pax for bamboo huts, and another 16 for the grass huts. - Currently, we are not operating for a month due to Vaastu but will resume operations from next month onwards hence have not reported any sales and margin for this month. - We have recently signed contracts with major IT firms for food court establishment. - On average, we had 100 to 150 walk-ins per day and we are also listed on Swiggy. - We generated total revenue of INR 30,000 per day. - The business does not have any loans and is run by a sole owner. - We are registered as a private legal entity and have different brands running under it. This restaurant is one of the brands under it and this investment is required for this particular brand.
Multi-cuisine restaurant constructed on 5,000 sq. ft. open garden space in Chennai is seeking equity.
7   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 30 K for 50%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Multi-cuisine restaurant constructed on 5,000 sq. ft. open garden space in Chennai is seeking equity.
This is a restaurant that is located in Pallavaram Radial Road just 900 meters away from Embassy IT park in Chennai. - We have a seating capacity of 30 pax for AC dining, 36 pax for bamboo huts, and another 16 for the grass huts. - Currently, we are not operating for a month due to Vaastu but will resume operations from next month onwards hence have not reported any sales and margin for this month. - We have recently signed contracts with major IT firms for food court establishment. - On average, we had 100 to 150 walk-ins per day and we are also listed on Swiggy. - We generated total revenue of INR 30,000 per day. - The business does not have any loans and is run by a sole owner. - We are registered as a private legal entity and have different brands running under it. This restaurant is one of the brands under it and this investment is required for this particular brand.
Multi-cuisine restaurant constructed on 5,000 sq. ft. open garden space in Chennai is seeking equity.
7   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 30 K for 50%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Pandemic-resistant restaurant seeks an investor with prior experience in franchise expansion of restaurants.
Restaurant with seating capacity for 57 pax. - The restaurant started as a small shop three years ago and now has a 2,500 sq. ft. leased space. - We advertise through food bloggers and also invite influencers to promote the brand. - The outlet has a separate photo corner for promotional activities. - 67% of sales are through online platforms (Swiggy and Zomato) and 33% of sales are through walk-in customers. - We own the trademark for our brand name as well. - The sole proprietorship has one owner and will be converted into a private limited entity for the investor. - The investor will get a 40-50% stake in the private limited entity. - The business has borrowed about INR 10 lakh from the owner's family. - We also have a second outlet that is registered under a different proprietorship. All the financials mentioned in this profile pertain to only the first outlet.
Pandemic-resistant restaurant seeks an investor with prior experience in franchise expansion of restaurants.
5.7   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 120 K for 40%
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Building Contractor Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Franchise company that offers FOFO model restaurant and cafe franchises seeks buyer for outright sale.
The company provides end-to-end franchise solutions to new business owners. - We operate a FOFO model, wherein the outlet is owned by the franchisee but the company will provide a trained chef. - We earn revenue through a franchise fee that we charge our clients. - For the FOFO model the Franchise fees are starts from INR 1 lakh to 4 Lakhs, and the fee for the restaurant is INR 3 lakh. - Fees will be charged at a frequency of 3 years. - Have 10 operational cafeteria outlets in Tamil Nadu. - We attract clients through social media marketing, Business expos, and cold-calling leads. - The private limited entity has three owners. - The entity's registered address is in Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu.
Franchise company that offers FOFO model restaurant and cafe franchises seeks buyer for outright sale.
8.1   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
Operating at loss
Partial Stake Sale
USD 30 K for 33%
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Serviced Apartment Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Constructing a 4-star serviced apartment with 42 rooms and a chain of restaurants across Chennai.
Company is looking for funds to construct a 4-star serviced apartment on its own land in Ambattur and a chain of restaurants across Chennai. We are seeking INR 35 crore for serviced apartments and rest INR 15 crore for the chain of restaurants. Serviced apartment: Company plans to construct a 4-star serviced apartment in Ambattur with 42 rooms, one bar and one restaurant. The land of approx 16,000 sq ft is owned by the company and it's currently vacant. We have acquired the construction license from CMDA and have already designed the architectural structure. We will outsource the construction process and are currently in talks with a few big builders. After raising funds, we will start the construction. Restaurant chain: Company currently runs one restaurant with 130 seats and is in the process to start the 2nd and 3rd restaurants soon. The 1st restaurant's facility is leased and the 2nd & 3rd restaurant's facility will also be on lease. We plan to set up a chain of restaurants across Chennai and with our current investment requirement, we plan to start 7-8 restaurants. Each restaurant will have 60-100 seats and the facility will be taken on lease. The revenue and employees mentioned on the profile are only from our one running restaurant. Business owned assets include land for serviced apartment and furniture & fixtures at our 1st restaurant.
7.6   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
Partial Stake Sale
USD 6 Mn for 40%
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Restaurant Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Restaurant based in Chennai, serving English and European cuisine with a focus on breakfast foods.
A restaurant based in Chennai, that has started operations in 2018. - It is a new concept restaurant that puts a twist to breakfast cereal through cereal cocktails. We also serve veg and non-veg English and European cuisine, with a focus on breakfast foods. - We receive 40 daily customers on weekdays and 70 customers during the weekends. - The restaurant has a maximum seating capacity of 35 individuals.
Restaurant based in Chennai, serving English and European cuisine with a focus on breakfast foods.
6.3   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 69 thousand
3 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 38 K for 50%
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Consulting Business Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Chennai based well known family of professional Chefs providing complete restaurant solutions to new QSR.
A well known family of professional Chefs based in Chennai which provide complete restaurant solutions. - Being in this business for generations, we enjoy tremendous goodwill. Budding restaurant entrepreneurs usually get in touch with us to set up their food operations. - We set up restaurants' and hotels' kitchen, decide their menu and recipe. - We also provide catering services for events in collaboration with local restaurants. - We have already completed 10 projects which includes setting up of restaurant & QSR chain in Tamil Nadu and 2 projects in Singapore, one of them being an Italian restaurant. - Founder is the third generation chef and the family is in this field for decades now. - I want to open my own restaurant for which I am seeking investment.
Chennai based well known family of professional Chefs providing complete restaurant solutions to new QSR.
7.7   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 64 thousand
30 - 40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 24 K for 40%
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  • How many restaurant investment opportunities in Chennai are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 8 active and verified restaurant investment opportunities in Chennai listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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