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Technology Businesses for Sale in Pietrasanta

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Technology Businesses for Sale in Pietrasanta. Buy a Technology, Tech, Hi-Tech, Software Company, Semiconductor, Semiconductor Equipment, Networking Equipment, Office Equipment, Electronic Equipment, Computer Hardware, Phone and Handheld Device, Household Electronic, Telecommunication or a Internet Business.

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Profitable Equipment & Supplies Rental Business for Sale in Pietrasanta, Italy

Sale of the music recording studio that provides rental services to customers.
The activity has started to develop from mid of last year. - We have made 1 LP for young customers and other services for singers and newborns. - Revenue comes from musical equipment rental and rental of the rehearsal room by the hour. - The hourly rental ranges from EUR 40-150. It depends on the customer's work. - For two months we have been dedicating time to prepare an album by a young singer to be presented to a label in Milan.
Sale of the music recording studio that provides rental services to customers.
6.8   Pietrasanta
Run Rate Sales
USD 19 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 48 K
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Healthcare Portal for Sale in Italy

For sale: Established healthcare portal in Italy with 4,500 private healthcare facilities registered.
Business is a dominant player in the healthcare portal industry in Italy, operating from Northern Italy. - Company has agreements with 4,500 private healthcare facilities and generates revenue through a commission-based model for each user booking. - Company also serves corporate clients by providing a platform for their employees to book health checkups using health welfare cards, with approximately 80% of the company welfare passing through the portal. - The business has experienced organic growth, with revenue increasing due to the addition of more healthcare facilities on the platform and an increase in user usage. - The owner manages the operations single-handedly and hires freelance developers to develop the portal. - The company is registered as a limited liability company (LLC).
8.3   Italy
Run Rate Sales
USD 4.8 million
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 5.4 Mn
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Social Network Website for Sale in Italy

For Sale: Social media for active people to meet like-minded people and create activities.
Social media app for meeting new people of the same interests, joining activities, exploring places, and advertising business. - It is an incredible idea and will be great for people to meet other people of the same interests. - At the moment we have 2,000 downloads on Android and iOS stores and is slowly growing. - We haven't marketed the app or spent much on marketing. - The app seems to respond well in the surfing sports industry. - Business will need developers to maintain upgrades and kill bugs. - Business can sell ads through the app feeds and sponsored events to generate revenue. - The promoter does not have time to look after the business so it is not operational at the moment. - Business is registered in Cyprus and the promoter is based out of Italy.
For Sale: Social media for active people to meet like-minded people and create activities.
7.8   Italy
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 3.2 K
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Social Network Website for Sale in Italy

For Sale: Social media for active people to meet like-minded people and create activities.
Social media app for meeting new people of the same interests, joining activities, exploring places, and advertising business. - It is an incredible idea and will be great for people to meet other people of the same interests. - At the moment we have 2,000 downloads on Android and iOS stores and is slowly growing. - We haven't marketed the app or spent much on marketing. - The app seems to respond well in the surfing sports industry. - Business will need developers to maintain upgrades and kill bugs. - Business can sell ads through the app feeds and sponsored events to generate revenue. - The promoter does not have time to look after the business so it is not operational at the moment. - Business is registered in Cyprus and the promoter is based out of Italy.
For Sale: Social media for active people to meet like-minded people and create activities.
7.8   Italy
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 3.2 K
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  • How many technology businesses for sale in Pietrasanta are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified technology businesses for sale in Pietrasanta listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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