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Tour Operators for Sale in Corfu

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Tour Operators for Sale in Corfu. Buy a Tour Operator or a Tourism Business. Listed by Direct Business Owners & Business Brokers.
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Profitable Tour Operator for Sale in Corfu, Greece

Unique leisure business offering horse riding tours to tourists of all ages on Corfu island.
The business is located next to the village of Kavos and operates seasonally from May to October. - However, it can operate all year round, but the current owners move to the city from November to April. - Generates an average of EUR 10,000 per month in the 6 months of operation. - The business has grown to a great stature through word of mouth and quality service. - The progress of the business can be seen from the comments on TripAdvisor. - Tour packages start from EUR 30 and go up to EUR 75 for private packages. - Marketing channels are TripAdvisor, our website, Instagram, and Facebook. - Rules in Greece are simple for stables, we can operate our business with a basic registration and do not need a special license. - We are a tax-compliant business. - Competitive advantage: we are a unique business of this kind in Southern Corfu.
Unique leisure business offering horse riding tours to tourists of all ages on Corfu island.
7.2   Corfu
Run Rate Sales
USD 63 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 52 K
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Tour Operator for Sale in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul-based tour company offering tailor-made tours for individuals and groups across Turkey and Istanbul.
Successful travel company with all the necessary business licenses. We are offering our leading custom luxury tour operator business, complete with our website, business mail, and listings on major Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) such as TripAdvisor, GetYourGuide, Airbnb, and Bokun. With over 490 excellent reviews on TripAdvisor and top search engine rankings for over six years, our company has become a trusted name in the tourism industry. We offer professional English-speaking tour guides for over 350 private day tours in Istanbul and around 15 multi-day trips throughout Turkey annually. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a thriving travel business!
7.8   Istanbul
Run Rate Sales
USD 240 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 750 K
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Tour Operator for Sale in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul-based tour company offering tailor-made tours for individuals and groups across Turkey and Istanbul.
Successful travel company with all the necessary business licenses. We are offering our leading custom luxury tour operator business, complete with our website, business mail, and listings on major Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) such as TripAdvisor, GetYourGuide, Airbnb, and Bokun. With over 490 excellent reviews on TripAdvisor and top search engine rankings for over six years, our company has become a trusted name in the tourism industry. We offer professional English-speaking tour guides for over 350 private day tours in Istanbul and around 15 multi-day trips throughout Turkey annually. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a thriving travel business!
7.8   Istanbul
Run Rate Sales
USD 240 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 750 K
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  • How many tour operators for sale in Corfu are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified tour operators for sale in Corfu listed on SMERGERS as of 16 February 2025.
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