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Vehicle Rental Business Investment Opportunities in Mumbai

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Vehicle Rental Business Investment Opportunities in Mumbai. Invest in a Vehicle Rental, Car Rental or a Bike Rental Business.

  • Vehicle Rental

  • Mumbai

  • Investment Opportunities


Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Mumbai, India

Corporate car rental company offering employee transportation services with 4 clients and 45 car owners.
Business offers employee transportation services to corporate clients by partnering with other corporate rental companies. - Currently we manage 5 corporate clients for their employee transportation services in a short span of 6-8 months. - Have a partnership with 45 car owners. - Revenue is generated by charging commissions from car fleet owners. - Business is registered in Pune with an office in Mumbai. - Operations started recently and we are yet to finish one year of operations. As a result, our last year's revenue was less.
6.5   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 286 thousand
15 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 48 K for 10%
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Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Mumbai, India

Providing car rental services to corporate clients, seeking funds to promote our app and website.
Company provides car rental services to corporate clients and is currently serving 6 corporates in Mumbai including Saint-Gobain. We work on a contract basis with these corporates and have a minimum contract term of 1 year. We do not own any car, rather we have network of driver owned cars to provide the services. Within our network we have more than 150 such drivers in Mumbai We have currently placed 10-15 cars to serve our corporate clients. The company has a website as well as an Android app, however, we haven't yet launched ourselves as online platform. Since inception we have been operating as an offline business. Seeking funds to promote our brand as an online cab rental firm for corporates. Founder of the company has 5 years of experience in car rental industry. Business owned assets include a few laptops, furniture and printer.
6.3   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 36 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 12 K for 20%
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Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Mumbai, India

Bike rental service business seeks funding for purchasing additional bikes and expanding to other states.
Business is currently operating in Ganpatipule, Ratnagiri region of Maharashtra & the registered office is located in Mumbai. - Would like to expand the business by making available up 10 bikes in all major cities of Rajasthan, Kerala, Punjab and Telangana. - At present we have 8 bikes in Ganpatipule and Ratnagiri region & on a daily basis, we serve 2 - 3 customers. - All bookings are done through calls at present & looking to develop a mobile app for user's ease. - As of now, we will be operating with scooters & motorbikes & will be adding e-bikes to our fleet in the future. - Marketing head has 5 years of marketing experience.
6.3   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 3.6 thousand
8 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 20%
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Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Mumbai, India

Bike rental service business seeks funding for purchasing additional bikes and expanding to other states.
Business is currently operating in Ganpatipule, Ratnagiri region of Maharashtra & the registered office is located in Mumbai. - Would like to expand the business by making available up 10 bikes in all major cities of Rajasthan, Kerala, Punjab and Telangana. - At present we have 8 bikes in Ganpatipule and Ratnagiri region & on a daily basis, we serve 2 - 3 customers. - All bookings are done through calls at present & looking to develop a mobile app for user's ease. - As of now, we will be operating with scooters & motorbikes & will be adding e-bikes to our fleet in the future. - Marketing head has 5 years of marketing experience.
6.3   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 3.6 thousand
8 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 20%
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Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Mumbai, India

Car Rental Agency based in Mumbai serving well known Corporates like Aditya Birla Group, SBI.
It is a car rental agency providing services exclusively to corporates. - We serve in 49 cities in India. - Have tie ups with 50+ companies like Aditya Birla, SBI. - We serve minimum 20 clients on a daily basis. - Have tie ups with 100+ vendors. We hire cabs through them. - We have economy, executive and luxury cars along with MUVs and SUVs. - Generate leads through digital marketing, own sales team, own website. - Promoter has 8+ years of experience.
8.1   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 260 thousand
11 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 150 K for 49%
Contact Business

Online Cab Aggregator in Bangalore, India

We have built a technology platform for unorganized transport sector to optimize & transact paperless.
Company has 25,000+ Vehicles, 150+ Transport Operators. - There are 50+ Corporates on our platform. - Total User App Download till date is 1.5 Lakhs. - A total of 85,000 trips is completed per day on the platform. - We have been rated as editors pick by a very respected name. - Have presence across multiple cities. - The revenue has dropped this year because after Covid, corporates have reduced transportation significantly.
9.1   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 360 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.8 Mn for 49%
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Vehicle Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Maharashtra, India

Design and development of caravan travel system for tourism, corporate, events and film industry.
We are a vehicle renting company based in Maharashtra and have started this business in 2017. - We specialize in customizing and modifying caravans for individual and company clients with a basic concept of creating a hotel on wheels. - There are 3 variants we are trying to come out with that is a budget caravan of 30 feet, a special caravan that will have expensive interiors and a pickup truck. - At present we have 1 caravan that we have finished work on. We are planning to finish work on 2 more caravans for which we require funding. - The business has a workshop in Maharashtra that has the capacity of completing work on 8 vehicles in a month. - The owner of the business has a sister company that does modifications and customization of vehicles. - Our target customers are - Tourists both international and domestic, MNCs and other corporates, event and advertising agencies, celebrities.
Design and development of caravan travel system for tourism, corporate, events and film industry.
6.5   Maharashtra
Run Rate Sales
USD 130 thousand
Partial Stake Sale
USD 172 K for 10%
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  • How many vehicle rental business investment opportunities in Mumbai are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 6 active and verified vehicle rental business investment opportunities in Mumbai listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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