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Business Strategic Investors in Cairo Governorate

Showing 1 - 14 of 163 Business Strategic Investors in Cairo Governorate. Buy or Sell your Business in Cairo Governorate.

  • Cairo Governorate

  • Corporate Investor / Buyer

Partner, Cosmetics And Perfumes

Corporate Investor in Cairo, Egypt

Interests: Startup and SMEs having growth potential and also running profitably. Interested in cash injection for capital requirement. We also want to invest in other countries besides those in Europe since it is already well known for cosmetics.
Background: We’re a group of investors in the cosmetics field (distribution and manufacturing) in Egypt. We’re interested in diversification.
8.5 / 10
Cairo + 4 more
Advertising Agencies + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 3.2 K - 130 K
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Director, Engineering, Procurement And Construction

Corporate Acquirer in Cairo, Egypt

Interests: We are interested in acquiring oil and gas services companies based in Cairo to enrich my business portfolio and expand investments in the industry.
Background: We operate an engineering, procurement and construction company. Our background integrates strategic leadership and operational expertise. We excel in evaluating and pursuing investment opportunities while driving value creation and sustainable growth for our company.
7.8 / 10
Edible Oil + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.9 Mn
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Interests: Looking for investments abroad since the economy in Egypt is not good.
Background: I'm the CEO of a clothing company with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I'm passionate about investing in companies that have the potential to grow and also have a strong customer base. I'm currently looking for opportunities to expand my portfolio and help companies reach their goals.
6 / 10
Laundry Business + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 32.4 K - 130 K
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Interests: Looking for investments abroad since the economy in Egypt is not good.
Background: I'm the CEO of a clothing company with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I'm passionate about investing in companies that have the potential to grow and also have a strong customer base. I'm currently looking for opportunities to expand my portfolio and help companies reach their goals.
6 / 10
Laundry Business + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 32.4 K - 130 K
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Interests: Interested in a business which is currently operational and has a good growth potential. The business should be based in UAE or Egypt, as we have offices of our company in these countries.
Background: We are a travel management company. We have offices in Egypt and UAE. We specialize in air travel as well as a variety of other services.
8.8 / 10
Egypt + 1 more
Tour Operators + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2 Mn
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Manager, Wire And Cable Manufacturer

Corporate Acquirer in Cairo, Egypt

Interests: We are interested in buying electric construction and transformer manufacturing businesses in Egypt, as these locations are close by. Interested in a business preferably with operational and proper facilities.
Background: We are an electro cable manufacturing company in Egypt. We are looking for opportunities to grow our business further.
6.5 / 10
Electric Construction + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 9.7 Mn
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Executive, Solar Energy Investment

Corporate Acquirer in Cairo, Egypt

Interests: - Profitable ROI. - Over 5MW solar plants. - Clear negotiations. - The business should be in Asia, Europe and Africa, as we have previously invested in these markets.
Background: We operate a solar energy investment industry. We are a British firm that invests in solar energy projects around the world, including Cameroon, Zambia, Vietnam, Brazil, and Romania. Our goal is to create a bright, sustainable future for all, and we are proud to be part of this global movement.
8.9 / 10
Africa + 3 more
Solar Power Plants + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.1 Mn
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Owner, Educational Consultancy

Corporate Acquirer in Giza, Egypt

Interests: We are a leading education consultancy based in Egypt, specializing in helping schools set up and manage their operations, as well as handle financial operations on a national and international level. Our team of experienced professionals includes educators, financial experts, and project managers, all of whom are committed to helping schools succeed. We offer a range of services, including school set-up, curriculum development, facility management, IT support, financial planning and management, and more. Our goal is to provide schools with the expertise and support they need to run smoothly and efficiently and to provide students with a high-quality education. We are currently looking for a group of investors to partner with us to acquire a school in the UAE.
Background: We are one of the leading education management companies based in Egypt with a combined experience of over 25 years in the industry. Our team of 15 professionals has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various educational fields, including curriculum development, teacher training, and financial management. We have a strong track record of success in setting up and running international schools around the world and are excited to bring our expertise to investors wishing to set up and run international schools in the GCC. We believe in providing an innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective learning environment for all students. In addition to our experience in education management, we also have a strong track record of consulting work in the Middle East, including various entities in Egypt. This has given us a deep understanding of the local education landscape and the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in this region. We believe that our expertise and experience make us the perfect partner for your business. We are committed to delivering the highest quality education for students, while also ensuring the financial success of the school.
6.8 / 10
Egypt + 4 more
Education Consultants + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 1 Mn
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Interests: - Synergies with our existing business strategies and free-thinking spirit including impact to the communities we operate and work with. - We already operate businesses in Africa and London so we are looking to explore other countries globally.
Background: Investments firm registered in South Africa with investments made across Africa and London. We have been operating several mining projects in Botswana. Our current mining project values ZAR 350 million and is ongoing in Botswana. We also made a FinTech investment in London. The promoter has a residency in London but he operates his company in Africa mainly. He has held multiple senior & revenue attainment executive roles in leading and listed entities in Europe. Those companies are listed on FTSE and NYSE. Specialties: Entrepreneur (startup), multi-skilled and talented dealmaker, shareholder value creation, commercial management, strategic business development, leadership, go-to-market strategies, strategy & implementation, negotiation (governmental & private institutions).
8.7 / 10
Africa + 7 more
Diamond Mining + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 8 Mn
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Corporate Finance Analyst, Mining

Corporate Acquirer in Harare, Zimbabwe

Interests: We are looking for investment opportunities in diversified sectors. We require details such as financial, geological reports, and all other pertinent documentation.
Background: We are a mining operation provider company. We are interested in Sub-Saharan Africa as it is a market with which we have greater familiarity as we operate in a similar space.
9.1 / 10
Africa + 3 more
Copper Ore Mining + 23 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 10 Mn
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Interests: Need information to evaluate a business proposal.
7.6 / 10
Africa + 1 more
Tires and Rubber Products + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 54 K
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Interests: Quality, process, culture, leadership, management, systems, profitability and scalability.
Background: We are a premier speciality diagnostic laboratory. Started, merged and sold off labs. Currently, Owner of one of the largest labs in the USA with spin-offs in Mexico that have labs and MRIs. familiar with UAE.
8.4 / 10
Cairo + 4 more
Diagnostic Labs + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 8 Mn
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Interests: Interested in media companies with brands, audiences and communities, with a view to running them through digital media only.
Background: We are a media & advertising company. Our goal is to create and sustain a new regime of online ads with knowledge at the core of what we do. Seeking opportunities in the UAE and KSA for expansion.
9.9 / 10
Cairo + 8 more
Adult Entertainment + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 27 K - 270 K
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Interests: - Looking for acquisitions / partnerships in businesses specifically in the UAE. I am open to investing in other companies as well. - Sectors: IT, Retail, Real estate, Financial Services, Startups, Oil and Gas. - We are looking to invest and add value to any businesses established in the UAE or internationally and will expand it to the UAE.
Background: I am the vice president of a private family office in the UAE that is engaged in IT, Retail, Real estate, Financial Services, and several other activities on a regional / international scale of companies.
8.4 / 10
Cairo + 5 more
Beauty Clinics + 34 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 13.6 Mn
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CEO, Online Travel Agency

Corporate Acquirer in Delhi, India

Interests: - Investors, strategic investments and partnerships, buyouts. - Strong founding team, new technology, expandable. - Distress inventory and property. - NCLAT, NCLT companies. - The business can be based anywhere in India, as we want to expand our business across India.
Background: I am an investor, buyer, visionary, and travel trade.
9.3 / 10
Africa + 21 more
Building Contractors + 48 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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    There are 163 active and verified business strategic investors in Cairo Governorate listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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