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Computer Hardware Company Investment Opportunity in Kolkata, India

Premium system integrator with cooling patent, exploring Philippines and Australia for manufacturing setup.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 227 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 215 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Computer Hardware
Locations  Kolkata
Local Time 10:55 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 72 thousand for 35.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 6,000,000)
Reason: Scale up current mobility offering. - In-house enclosure manufacturing setup (*3D Printing) - Cool... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 2.4 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
Business Overview
- Launched Two High-Performance Mobility Barebone with Customization Option.
- Sold 700+ Units since inception in the price range of INR 1,20,000 to INR 5,00,000.
- Debt free operations.
- 43K Facebook subscribers.
- Positive customer feedback.
- Positive repeat orders & referrals.
- Showcased in ET Now - Leaders of Tomorrow.
- Startup India DIPP Certified.
Products & Services Overview
Hardware component assembly for HPC Mobility Barebones, Desktop Replacement.
Assets Overview
Office furniture, test bench, inventory, assembly tools.
Facilities Overview
Office in a personal property of 1,200 sq ft.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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