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Branding and Design Company Investment Opportunity in Pune, India

Digital marketing Leader, Driving Growth Through AI and Skill Development.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 50 - 100
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 1 - 2 million
Run Rate Sales USD 1.32 million
EBITDA Margin 10 - 20 %
Industries Edutech + 1 more
Locations  Pune
Local Time 8:42 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 300 thousand for 6.5% stake (Native Currency: INR 25,000,000)
Reason: Company seeks INR 2.5 crore to enhance liquidity, optimize debt, and boost sales and marketing, stab... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 12 thousand
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Business Overview
- We have over 250 clients.
- The company operates on two primary business models: one-time setup cost (OTC) and retainership.
- The OTC model involves a single upfront payment for initial service setup, providing immediate service access and covering initial costs.
- The retainership model requires clients to pay a regular fixed fee for ongoing services, ensuring steady revenue and consistent client support.
- This model fosters long-term relationships, allowing businesses to focus on high-quality service delivery and sustainable growth.
- We offer various services, including training courses, assessments, coaching, and custom services, catering to individual, corporate, and institutional users.
- The overall focus is on digital branding, employer branding, and corporate branding.
- We support clients through different stages of brand development, from creation and growth to maturity, revitalization, and extension.
- The execution team at InnoServ Group brings a wealth of experience and expertise.
- Our co-founder & CEO has 17 years of experience.
- Our co-founder & CSO has 19 years of experience.
- Our creative director has 19 years of experience.
- Our senior vice president & business head has 14 years of experience.
- Our assistant vice president has 15 years of experience.
- The operating board of the company comprises highly experienced professionals.
- The chairman brings over 40 years of expertise in investment banking and startups and serves as a director at Keireitsu Forum, Mumbai.
- The managing director has 22 years of industry experience.
- The technology advisor offers 17 years of technological expertise.
- The chairman of 5F World Lighthouse Communities Foundation holds various directorships, including with SBI, GTT, Kalzoom Advisors, AVPN, Hinduja Global Solutions, Educate Girls, and is a principal at SVP International.
- The company has established strong business relationships with various clients.
Products & Services Overview
Innovating Digital Branding Strategies with AI-Driven SEO, SEM, Content, Influencer, Video, Social Media, Email Marketing, ORM, Web Development, and Corporate Branding Services, Coaching and Mentoring, E-Learning, Learning Management System, Knowledge Assessment Enquire, Pro Hub, Training Need Analysis Tool, Training Programs Delivery, Custom Course Development.
Assets Overview
Tangible Assets INR 10 Lacs, Intangible assets INR- 35 Lacs.
Facilities Overview
A Hi-tech facility in an IT Park located at Pune City with built-up area of 5000 Sq ft.
- Amenities provided for employees with connectivity to basic needs. In short a perfect workplace with great ambience.
Capitalization Overview
Initial funding led by friends and family, followed by angel investors and VCs in subsequent rounds. Total of INR 5 Cr is raised to date. Raised INR 2.4 CR debt and also raised equity through CCPS and CCD.
There are 5 directors in total, with 3 active directors holding the majority stake. Each founder holds an 18.44% stake in the company.
Recent Activity
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