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Enterprise Software Business for Sale in Bangalore, India

Company specializing in custom software solutions with 8 clients, catering to education and corporate sectors.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 43 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 180 thousand
EBITDA Margin 30 - 40 %
Industries Enterprise Software
Locations  Bangalore
Local Time 10:33 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 830 thousand (Native Currency: INR 70,000,000)
Reason: The owner wants to move into a different line of business.
Includes physical assets worth USD 18 thousand
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Business Overview
- Company specialized in custom software solutions, with a focus on three key products: EduTech, LMS, and C-Suit, catering to the education and corporate sectors.
- Services offered by the company encompass web designing, software development, ERP & CRM and app development, with a specific focus on and event management solutions.
- The top-selling products include school management software and an LMS and ACMS solution for eLearning.
- The business has 8 clients that include REVA University, BMS Engineering, as well as several small and medium-sized education players.
- Additionally, it serves event management companies for its LMS product and corporates for its C-Suit offering.
- The business undertakes an average of 7 projects per year, with project durations ranging from 6 months to 1.5 years, and an average project value ranging from INR 3 to 50 lakhs.
- The turnover this year is higher compared to last year because since the majority of our client base comprises of educational institutes, the projects have reduced due to COVID and now it has picked up as all the educational institutes have started regular operations and we are getting a good number of projects.
Products & Services Overview
- Services offered by the company encompass web designing, software development, ERP and app development, with a specific focus on CRM and event management solutions.
- Top selling service is ERP & CRM, which is school management software and LMS and ACMS solutions for eLearning in educational institutes and corporates.
Assets Overview
Physical assets include complete office setup, rental deposit amount, 9 computers, 3 Mac Books, 2 Lenovo Think Pads, Epson all in one color printer, coffee vending machine, water dispenser, etc.
Intangible assets include complete product source code, access to cloud & github credentials, client data and employees.
Facilities Overview
Rented office facility of 1,400 sq ft, located in Rajajinagar, Bangalore.
Rent is INR 30k per month.
Capitalization Overview
Business is self funded and run by a brother and sister.
With ownership of 90:10.
No loans from banks on company name.
Recent Activity
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