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Hotel Assets for Rent in Coimbatore, India

For Rent: Hotel with 13 AC/non-AC rooms, attached restaurant & bakery in Coimbatore.
This transaction has concluded.

Ownership Duration 5-10 year(s)
Industries Hotels
Locations  Coimbatore
Local Time 8:45 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Monthly Rent
Asking Price: USD 1.8 thousand (Native Currency: INR 150,000)
Reason: Owner is planning to move abroad.
Interested to connect with advisors
Trade License
Assets Description
- Hotel cum restaurant located in Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore. This property is owned by the promoter. The rentee can operate from the same premises and they will be getting the assets of the hotel and restaurant which includes the furniture, interiors, and kitchen.
- The transaction includes:
1. Hotel of 13 rooms capacity (ground floor and first floor), furniture and equipment.
2. Restaurant with a bakery on the ground floor with 40 seating capacity.
- Located in a prime area close to Ganga Hospital.
- The hotel has 80% occupancy throughout the year.
- On average, we get about 5 to 8 check-ins per day.
- We have 2 room variants - AC & Non-AC. Price ranges between INR 800 to 1,500.
- Average monthly sales for the hotel is INR 1.5 to 3 lakhs.
- Restaurant with bakery has a footfall of 300 to 500 per day, which includes both the hotel guests and outside customers.
The average monthly sales for the restaurant is INR 3 to 6 lakhs.
- Profit margins for both the hotel and restaurant are>50%.
Recent Activity
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