Spacecraft Manufacturing Startup Investment Opportunity in Paratwada, India
Established | 0-1 year(s) |
Employees | < 2 |
Legal Entity | Private Limited Company |
Reported Sales | Nil |
Run Rate Sales | Nil |
EBITDA Margin | Nil |
Industries | Spacecraft Manufacturing + 1 more |
Locations | Paratwada |
Local Time | 11:49 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Management Member |
Status | Active |
- We are in the business of making defence aerospace systems.
- Planning to launch 2 products first. They are already in the idea phase. Products will be drones and autonomous combat cars.
- Currently there are no employees except founders.
- In the process of getting the industrial license. Business has an incorporation certificate.
- Will set up our own factory soon after funding.
- Govt will be our main client.
- Promoter has the required skills and knowledge in the aerospace sector.
We are planning to manufacture defence systems and reusable rockets for commercial and military purposes.
Will start with drones and autonomous combat cars.
Operating from a home office at the moment.
No external funding or loans.
Earlier than 15 daysMD, Business Solutions, Mumbai, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysManaging Director, Engineering Services, Mumbai, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business