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Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 14 of 21777 Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities. Buy or Invest in a Business.


Profitable Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Thrissur, India

Plastic jewellery box manufacturing company that has a manufacturing capacity of 5 tons per month.
Business is involved in the manufacturing of plastic jewelry boxes. - The business caters to both B2C and B2B segments. We have 4 clients in the B2B segment and we have many customers in the B2C area. - The owner has an experience of 20-25 years of experience in this business and has developed personal connections with many end consumers, this is how they are able to generate good revenue from the B2C segment connections. - The manufacturing capacity of the plant is 5 tons/ month. - We have 3 vendors who provide us with the raw material of plastic. - We pay a minimum wage to our employees and they are necessary for us to function efficiently.
6.5   Thrissur
Run Rate Sales
USD 36 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 101 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Hubballi, India

Plastic packages manufacturing business running since 1995 having over 40 OEM clients.
Established plastic packages manufacturing business based in Hubballi. - We produce printed plastic bags, laminated rolls, pouches for various industries. - We supply our products to more than 40 OEM clients. - Manufacturing capacity of the facility is 100 tons per month and we utilize 50% of the capacity. - Raw materials are procured from Reliance and Jindal. - Buyer would get the complete business with land, shed, machinery, inventory, brand name.
8.7   Hubballi
Run Rate Sales
USD 790 thousand
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 830 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Pune, India

Well-established 50 year old flexible packaging manufacturer in Pune, serving 100 clients in various industries.
Well-established flexible packaging material manufacturing business located in Pune, India. - The company caters to multinational corporations (MNCs) and serves a wide range of industries including food, engineering, automotive, electronic, electrical, and manufacturing components. - With a rich history spanning over 50 years, the business has evolved into one of the largest manufacturers of polyethylene enclosures in the region. - Currently serves over 200 clients, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. - Clients are industrial and are based in Maharashtra and manufacturing is order-based. - The company maintains all necessary government licenses and holds current registration with the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).
8.8   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 190 K
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Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Pune, India

Well-established 50 year old flexible packaging manufacturer in Pune, serving 100 clients in various industries.
Well-established flexible packaging material manufacturing business located in Pune, India. - The company caters to multinational corporations (MNCs) and serves a wide range of industries including food, engineering, automotive, electronic, electrical, and manufacturing components. - With a rich history spanning over 50 years, the business has evolved into one of the largest manufacturers of polyethylene enclosures in the region. - Currently serves over 200 clients, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. - Clients are industrial and are based in Maharashtra and manufacturing is order-based. - The company maintains all necessary government licenses and holds current registration with the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).
8.8   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 190 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Delhi, India

For Sale: Manufacturer of shrink labels and laminated pouches with more than 80 active clients.
Company manufactures PVC heat shrink labels, BOPP wrap-around labels, multi-layer laminated films, pouches, and self-adhesive tapes. - Have a rented production facility located near the Delhi-Haryana border and machinery to produce high-quality materials. - Our maximum production capacity is 2 crore labels and approx. 10 tons of laminated films and pouches every month. Currently, our capacity utilization is 40%. - Have more than 200 clients, out of which around 40 clients are regular and buy on a monthly basis, 50 clients buy on a quarterly basis, and the rest of our clients order on a bi-annual basis. - Have 8 permanents staff and we hire 8-10 contract employees based on order requirement. - Promoter is in the same line for the last 40 years.
For Sale: Manufacturer of shrink labels and laminated pouches with more than 80 active clients.
8.7   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 430 thousand
20 - 30 %
Business for Sale
USD 300 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Company for Sale in Kochi, India

Non-operational AGMARK certified packing material manufacturer for sale in Kochi, Kerala.
An AGMARK Certified packaging material manufacturing unit. - We exceled in retail food packaging solutions for products up to 10kg. - We had successfully partnered with over 100 clients. - Our production facility boasts a daily capacity of 5 metric tonnes. - Our infrastructure includes a 50 kVA generator with AMF panel, full capacity UPS support, and an advanced automatic printer with an integrated lab facility. - We ensured efficient movement of goods within our manufacturing unit. - Our promoter brings 5 years of valuable industry experience. - We are fully licensed with GST, Udyam, and Factory certifications. - We have recently shut down operations due to lack of working capital. - Company is registered in Ernakulam but operations took place out of Kochi.
Non-operational AGMARK certified packing material manufacturer for sale in Kochi, Kerala.
6.7   Kochi
Run Rate Sales
5 %
Business for Sale
USD 600 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Pune, India

For sale: Business engaged in manufacturing bottles that has a production capacity of 1,100 bottles/hour.
We are manufacturers of various kinds of bottles like water bottles, oil bottles, phenyl bottles, hand wash, dish wash bottles, pickle, ghee, tea jars, and sauce bottles. - Our clients are manufacturers of oils, hand wash, ghee, and water. - We have 2,000 clients on our database. Our clients are from Maharashtra. - Procure our raw materials from 7-8 suppliers from Gujarat and Mumbai. - Our production capacity is 1,100 bottles per hour.
6.4   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 300 thousand
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 180 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business for Sale in Nashik, India

For Sale: PET preform manufacturing company with a monthly production capacity of 35 tons.
We are a PET preform manufacturing company established in Nashik. - Currently, we have 5-6 clients with a growth rate of 8%-9% every year. - Our manufacturing capacity is 35 tons monthly. - All our clients are satisfied with our quality and commitment. - The business has taken a loan previously out of which 50% has already been paid off and the outstanding balance is INR 50-55 lakhs. - The company is completely owned by the proprietor. - The promoter has 10 years of experience in this industry.
7.8   Nashik
Run Rate Sales
USD 430 thousand
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 300 K
Contact Business

Injection Moulding Business for Sale in Noida, India

For Sale: Company with 20 litre preforms (8 cavities) and jars machines and 100+ clients.
Noida based business specializing in manufacturing food grade 20 litre preforms. - Main clients are traders, resellers and wholesalers. - Business has more than 150 clients. - Liabilities of the business will be cleared before the sale. - Machinery can produce around 1.25 lakhs of cans per month. - Business has a single owner.
For Sale: Company with 20 litre preforms (8 cavities) and jars machines and 100+ clients.
8.3   Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 860 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 480 K
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Company for Sale in Mumbai, India

Manufacturer and exporter of flexible packaging with 50+ domestic and international clients.
Business has been operational for the last 20 years. - Clients: Have 70-30 mixtures from India and abroad. - Total number of regular clients: 50+ clients. - All the products are made under the client's brand. - We are exporting the products to 10 countries as of now. - The business has 2 directors, one with a 70% equity stake and the other with 30% ownership. - The business has an outstanding loan of INR 9 crore. - ISO 22000 under the application. - Selling the business due to health issues. revenue in last year was 25 crore. - Plant is close to Mumbai, 35 km away in Bhiwandi. - We also have a flat bottom pouch-making machine which is a next-generation machine.
8.3   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 3 million
0 - 10 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.8 Mn
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Company for Sale in Nagpur, India

Manufacturers of PP bags, FIBC with a 450 metric tons/month production capacity and 35 clients.
Leading manufacturer specializing in the production of PP bags and FIBC. - Impressive market presence with a distribution split of 60% exports and 40% domestic sales. - Boasting a maximum production capacity of 450 metric tons per month, showcasing operational efficiency. - Current production levels consistently reach 200 metric tons per month, ensuring steady output. - Accumulated a decade of valuable industry experience, reflecting expertise and reliability. - Hold essential licenses from key authorities, including the Pollution Control Board, incorporation license, and import-export license. - Nurturing strong business relationships with 35 clients through a dedicated focus on B2B transactions.
7.8   Nagpur
Run Rate Sales
USD 3 million
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 2.03 Mn
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Company for Sale in Dhar, India

FIBC bag manufacturing business a 300 MT monthly production capacity with 700MT order book.
Business with export clients in Malaysia, Netherlands, Europe and Latin America. - We also have domestic clients from India associated with large order books. - Our production capacity is about 300 MT per month with the present machinery. - The business started in-house manufacturing last year, and has seen a huge jump in sales.
FIBC bag manufacturing business a 300 MT monthly production capacity with 700MT order book.
8.3   Dhar
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.3 million
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.97 Mn
Contact Business

Newly Established Plastic Packaging Company Investment Opportunity in Sangareddy, India

Company recycling PET waste bottle scrap into PET pellets and sheets seeks a strategic investor.
Business involved in reprocessing of PET post-consumer waste bottles. - The business used to operate under an older entity but was re-established and re-incorporated last year with all the physical assets of the old company. - Due to certain issues in the old organization we felt it best to start new. - We still have customers in the old entity and are doing sales in that. However, now our new entity has started doing monthly sales of about INR 5-6 lakh and it has a maximum production capacity of 180 tons per month. - The investor will get a 27% stake in the new entity.
Company recycling PET waste bottle scrap into PET pellets and sheets seeks a strategic investor.
7.8   Sangareddy
Run Rate Sales
USD 72 thousand
Partial Stake Sale
USD 140 K for 27%
Contact Business

Plastic Packaging Business Investment Opportunity in Vasai, India

Invest in a blow molding bottle manufacturer that exclusively supply to the Government of Karnataka.
1. The business operates as a plastic blow molding bottle manufacturing unit in Vasai, India, with a focus on serving the agricultural, industrial, and government sectors. 2. The company's top products include agrochemical bottles, veterinary bottles, and ink bottles, catering to a diverse set of clients within the aforementioned sectors. 3. A notable achievement is the exclusive supply of 30 lakhs and 15 ml indelible ink bottles for the recent general elections in India, securing a significant government contract and establishing a track record of reliability and capability. 4. The business holds essential certifications, including a GST certificate and MSME certificate, underscoring compliance and recognition within the industry. 5. Key clients encompass renowned organizations such as Adasca, Artek Surfin Chemicals, Advance Pesticides, Lyka Labs and Mysore Paints and Varnish Ltd, reflecting the company's ability to secure contracts with reputable entities in both private and public sectors. 6. With a team of 10 employees, the business represents a lean and efficient operation, fostering a focused and agile approach to manufacturing and client service.
Invest in a blow molding bottle manufacturer that exclusively supply to the Government of Karnataka.
8.6   Vasai
Run Rate Sales
USD 286 thousand
15 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 18%
Contact Business

Packaging Material Wholesale Business Investment Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Seeking-Investment: Packaging supplier with 120 clients and trusted by notable clients like Dunzo and Swiggy.
Supplier of complete food packaging products. - Clients: - B2B: 70-100 in Bangalore. - B2C: 50 (sold through marketing agencies) - Fastest growing company in food packaging. - Notable clients: Dunzo, Swiggy. - Registered GST and Udyam. - 20 suppliers across regions in Gujarat, Delhi, Maharashtra, Kolkata. - Outsource accounting services.
6.2   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 720 thousand
10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 240 K for 5%
Contact Business
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