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Businesses for Sale in Lima

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Businesses for Sale in Lima. Buy a Business in Lima.

  • Lima

  • Businesses For Sale


Small Auto Component Company for Sale in Lima, Peru

Leading digital company in the marketing of equipment and supplies for automotive workshops.
Dropshipping system, so it does not require investment in the purchase of product stock. We have a local supplier with excellent after-sales service, which guarantees that your purchases are protected.
6.9   Lima
Run Rate Sales
USD 16 thousand
Business for Sale
USD 21 K
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IT Services Business for Sale in Lima, Peru

Business provides IT services and solutions to medium and large sized companies.
IT consultancy company based in Lima that has been operating for 9 years. - We offer IT management, helpdesk, desktop management, mobile management, networks, servers, IT security, analytics services to corporate clients. - Have complete and easy-to-use solutions for IT management problems. - Have 50 medium and large enterprises as our clients. - We have partnered with an IT management software company based in India who let us utilise their software to serve our clients. - We have extensive experience in implementing end-to-end IT solutions for our global clients. We are fully backed by our technology partners. - Clients are with us on a contract basis and the contract varies from 1-5 years. - Business does not have many physical assets except for a few laptops.
7.4   Lima
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.28 million
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.34 Mn
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Healthcare Portal for Sale in Lima, Peru

Healthcare portal which connects medical providers such as doctors, hospitals & clinics with the patients.
Healthcare platform that helps patients connect with doctors, hospitals, and clinics. - Our portal facilitates online appointments with various departments of different hospitals and clinics using patient demographics and mobile numbers. - Our platform also allows patients to have their medical records stored so their records can quickly and efficiently be sent to new doctors after an appointment has been made. - Within the first four months, we have managed to register over 160 clinics in the system. - The application is fully functional and is listed on the Google Play and App Store. - We developed and integrated TelehealthCare system where the patient can contact the doctors through phone and pay the consultant fee online. We get high demand for this serves and the demand of the Telehealthcare in the search engine increasing for more than 200% for online doctors and telephone doctor consultation and now the system is ready for testing and we will start registering the doctors in the system during the next two weeks. - Monthly fee 50 sols and we intend to monetise by charging a commission for every successful appointment booked on our platform and charging service providers a fee to be listed. - Our team consists of a promoter with over 4 years of experience in the marketing field.
7   Lima
Run Rate Sales
USD 11.2 thousand
23 %
Business for Sale
USD 48 K
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Healthcare Portal for Sale in Lima, Peru

Healthcare portal which connects medical providers such as doctors, hospitals & clinics with the patients.
Healthcare platform that helps patients connect with doctors, hospitals, and clinics. - Our portal facilitates online appointments with various departments of different hospitals and clinics using patient demographics and mobile numbers. - Our platform also allows patients to have their medical records stored so their records can quickly and efficiently be sent to new doctors after an appointment has been made. - Within the first four months, we have managed to register over 160 clinics in the system. - The application is fully functional and is listed on the Google Play and App Store. - We developed and integrated TelehealthCare system where the patient can contact the doctors through phone and pay the consultant fee online. We get high demand for this serves and the demand of the Telehealthcare in the search engine increasing for more than 200% for online doctors and telephone doctor consultation and now the system is ready for testing and we will start registering the doctors in the system during the next two weeks. - Monthly fee 50 sols and we intend to monetise by charging a commission for every successful appointment booked on our platform and charging service providers a fee to be listed. - Our team consists of a promoter with over 4 years of experience in the marketing field.
7   Lima
Run Rate Sales
USD 11.2 thousand
23 %
Business for Sale
USD 48 K
Contact Business
  • How many businesses for sale in Lima are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified businesses for sale in Lima listed on SMERGERS as of 14 December 2024.
  • What level of due diligence does SMERGERS conduct on the businesses/member?

    SMERGERS scrutinizes all profiles and only features a select group of businesses, investors, advisors that meet a basic requirement. When required, certain members may have submitted some form of proof …read more

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    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

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    You need to be logged in before you connect with a business. Click here to register and message the business If you are already logged in, please use the contact …read more

  • Should you buy an existing business or start a business from scratch?

    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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